He flashes a crooked grin as he stands to his full height. "Onji and I were beginning to worry about you when we didn't find you in the rooms."

I can't help my eyes rolling and I shoot Atlas a wicked glare.

"All of your belongings have been stowed," Onji says, her sultry voice and thick Bavan accent just make me hate her more. Another sign that I am clearly jealous she has Atlas' attention. I need to pull myself together. "Follow me and I'll make sure you get off the cruiser safely."

Onji glances at me and smiles. "You must be Shaye," she says sweetly. "Atlas and Zuri have told me so much about you. I hope you find the answers you seek in Tronovia."

I'm taken aback by her kind words and warm eyes and immediately feel shame creep into my belly. Atlas and Zuri told her about me – I only wish I had the gall to ask what they said. Instead, I quietly bob my head in acknowledgment, returning her smile with one of my own, hoping I don't look like I'm grimacing. I'm positive my cheeks are flushed in embarrassment and can only pray no one else notices.

"Onji is one of Zuri's Jubanti," Atlas adds, drawing my gaze. Now, I see the softness in his eyes that was absent before. "And she's a good friend."

As reassuring as that sounds, I can't shake the image of them huddling close together, wondering what might have happened between them if we hadn't rounded the corner when we did.

I clear my throat, irritated with my pathetic inner turmoil, and turn my sights back to Onji. "It's nice to meet you. I hope you've heard more good things about me than bad."

"Oh, my goodness, yes!" The stunning troll tosses her hands above her head. "All Atlas has done the entire cruise is talk about you."

Atlas glares at her, and I'm left dumbfounded.

"Is that so?" I purr. My jealousy melts, quenching my rage, and is replaced with a smugness of my own. I quirk an eyebrow at Atlas who won't look my way.

Onji's wide smile is infectious, but before she can expose Atlas' exact words, we hear the cruiser horn bellow, signaling our arrival.

"It's time to go," Atlas says, spurring everyone to follow after Onji quietly.

A seriousness washes over the group and I sense there's something the rest of them aren't telling me. We make our way to the lower level and as we descend a dark set of wooden steps, Atlas covers the low ceiling with his arm and whispers, "Watch your head." I duck, walking past him, though I can still feel his eyes pinned on my back as we continue further into the large room that runs the length of the cruiser. It's cold down here, and dark, and feels nothing like the luxurious cruiser we've spent the last couple days on.

Onji waves us forward, "Hurry. We're almost there."

There are hundreds of wooden barrels, shipping boxes, and parcels ready to be unloaded. At the far end, there is an enormous door that begins lowering, allowing beams of sunlight to stream inside. Onji leads us to a large cart loaded with six wooden coffins, three barrels, and countless small parcels piled together in a net.

Onji hops into the cart, lifts one of the barrel lids, and motions one of us forward. "Get in."

Get in!?

I can't do this. Being confined in a small space for an undetermined amount of time causes me to shake my head furiously and back away.

"I can't," I barely get those words out without going into a full-blown panic.

"Nyx, get in." Atlas instructs without missing a beat. Eris and Finn also shimmy their way into the other two barrels before Onji seals the lids on top, entombing them.

My stomach flutters and sweat drips down my spine. I close my eyes and take a deep breath to steady myself.I can't do this. I can't do this. '

Suddenly, I feel Atlas' hands slip on either side of my face, forcing me to look up at him. "I know you're afraid," he says softly, "but if we don't get inside that coffin," his eyes dart to the trunk in question before returning to mine, "then we won't be able to escape Vesper's crew without being spotted. They'll be looking for us. If you tell me you can't get in there, I'll get you out another way. But if you agree to hop in the coffin, I promise you won't have to be in there by yourself. I'll be with you."

The drawbridge door is almost completely open and if I don't get inside that trunk, all of Atlas' plotting and scheming to outwit Vesper and get me to safety will be for nothing. And it'll make Vesper's job that much easier with us out in plain sight.

As reluctant as I am to willingly get into the coffin, I find I don't want to disappoint Atlas and have him thinking I'm a coward. So, I nod, and he smiles.

Slipping one of his hands down my cheek, down my arm, and into my clammy hand, he guides me up into the cart and helps me into the chest. There is barely enough room for one person to lay down comfortably. Atlas instructs me to lay down and once I'm in, he slides in and lays on his side next to me. Onji lowers the lid, and my heart rate speeds up. I shake my head and slam my palm against the top before she can seal us inside. I need to get out. I can't do this. I'm about to claw my way out of this coffin and risk swimming in the Nepita River with the crocodiles to escape Vesper, when Atlas wraps his hand around my bicep and whispers, "You're safe with me. Don't be afraid."

"It won't take long to get to the western docks," Onji says, compassion rooted in her gaze. "The brothers will keep you safe. I hope our paths cross again." With a nod from Atlas, Onji closes the lid.

I expect it to be pitch black inside, but to my relief, there are a few thin slats around the trunk that allow beams of light in.

"Once we clear the loading docks and get to the western side of the harbor where our ship is waiting, I'll make sure to get you out the second we're safe."

I'm just now realizing how close Atlas and I are, lying on our sides facing each other in a coffin made for one, now forced to accommodate two. If I weren’t working so hard to keep my composure, focusing on not wailing and drawing unwanted attention our way, I would say something snarky in response to not appear so weak. But all I can do is bob my head slightly to acknowledge his plan. I recognize the olive branch he’s extending me and welcome it, knowing he’ll keep his promise.