"Yes," I smile, elbow Atlas, and he stiffens beside me. "I'm sure Atlas doesn't mind escorting me back and keeping a watchful eye on me. Wouldn't want to get kidnapped again."
He smirks down at me. "No, we wouldn't want that."
"Alright," Eris smiles and tugs Finn forward. "We'll see you two later then."
Once they round the corner and reenter the casino, Atlas motions for me to follow him, and we quietly walk back to our adjoining suites. He opens my door and examines the moonlit room, probably to make sure no unsavory characters are lurking in the dark. When he's satisfied, he turns to me and says, "I'll be next door if you need anything."
"What did you want me to see?" I ask, as he turns to slip through the sliding pocket door to go to his own room.
"In the casino, you said you wanted to show me something. What was it?"
Atlas closes the door, sealing himself inside with me and heads toward my balcony. He motions for me to join him, so I do. The water rushes by as the cruiser spears through. The foliage of the jungle along the riverbank sways back and forth in the light, humid breeze.
Thinking that's what he wants me to see, I chuckle, and say, "I think I've had my fill of the jungle, Atlas."
He points up into the sky and says, "Look." I tip my head up and see the moon is full but isn't glowing white light. It's pink.
"How is that possible?" I gasp.
"It only happens once every thirty years. No one really understands why it glows pink, but there's no better place to see it than on a river cruise."
"Does it have a name?"
Atlas nods and stares at me, a sheepish smile on his face. "It's called the Lover's Moon. Said to be a good omen for anyone looking for love."
"And are you looking for love, Atlas?" I tease, but see his eyes soften in sadness.
"I suppose not," he whispers, and it feels like a punch to my stomach. "I thought you might enjoy seeing it."
"Atlas -"
"We have an early start tomorrow," he interrupts. "You should get some rest. If you need me, I'll be right next door. Goodnight, Princess."
"Thank you." That stops him as he's halfway out the door.
"For what?" He doesn't turn to look at me.
"For the dress. I'm surprised you remembered."
Atlas slowly spins to look at me. There are so many emotions swimming in his green eyes, but they flash by so quickly, I'm not able to decipher what exactly he's thinking or feeling. Finally, after what seems like a small eternity of silence, he says, "You're welcome," before slipping into his room and shutting the door behind him.
Nyxbouncesinearlythe next morning with a goofy grin on his face and rips the curtains back from our balcony door, allowing the sunlight to illuminate our bedroom.
"Rise and shine, ladies!" He sings, dodging the pillow Eris chucks at him.
"Go away!"
"Afraid I can't do that, m'lady," Nyx shrugs. "Atlas assigned me to wake-up duty. And it's a beautiful morning, if I do say so myself."
Eris groans and tucks her head underneath her remaining pillow. "You're insufferable when you get laid."
Nyx tsks, plopping down childishly at the foot of her bed. "Jealous, Eris? You wouldn't be so cranky if you -"
She sits up, pointing a tattooed finger at him while clutching her head with her free hand. "Don't you finish that sentence." She burps and groans. "I think I drank too much last night."