"It's a joke. I'm not upset. I've been called far worse, believe me -"
"I never should have used that foul word. I- I'm so sorry, Atlas. I wish I could take it back."
"Princ- "
"When I heard Vesper call you that at the temple, I was so angry and sickened by it. I wanted to claw her eyes out."
Atlas tucks his index finger below my chin, halting my apologies. His thumb swipes across my lips and my knees buckle. The song comes to an end and the couples around us applaud. "Come with me," he whispers. "There's something I want to show you."
He slips his hand from my waist, and I immediately miss the contact. Following through the sea of faces, I'm cut off when an inebriated couple stubbles in my path. I weave around them, but I've lost sight of Atlas. I turn in a circle scanning for a face I know but come up empty.
"Are you lost, miss?" A handsome Bavan male steps in front of me and smiles.
Not seeing any of the brothers or Eris around the gambling hall has me on high alert. Could this man be another bounty hunter?
"I'm fine. Thank you for your concern." I attempt to bypass him, but he grabs my wrist and pulls me back.
"Let me buy you a drink," he pins my back to his chest and whispers in my ear.
"Let me go!" I wiggle to escape his grasp, but he is unrelenting. I can feel my magic humming underneath my skin, but Atlas instructed me not to use it unless I absolutely had to. We don't want to draw more attention to ourselves before we get to Tronovia.
"You're hurting me." I wince when he tightens his grip on my arm and leads me towards a door to the wrap around deck. I try to break free, but his hold on me is firm, and no one seems to notice I'm in trouble. I yell for help but it's so loud in the hall I don't garner anyone's attention. The Bavan pushes the doors open and drags me outside before slamming them shut behind us.
"Who are you?" I growl, still fighting him off. Why did I leave the knife Nyx gave me in my suite? "Let go of me!"
"I watched your performance last night at the Necropolis. You'll fetch me a handsome price in The Quarters. A pretty girl like you with rare magical power. I'll be able to retire once I sell you."
"Sell?" I seethe. "How dare you! Get your filthy hands off of me!" I kick him between his legs and sprint down the deck, but he recovers quickly and chases me, tackling me to the floor. Turning me on my back, he slaps me, and I taste blood. I spit at him, earning another smack.
"Looks like I'll be needing to break you before I sell you, bitch!" He sits on top of me, cutting off my air, and with one of his giant hands, he pins my wrists above my head. He raises his hand to slap me a third time, but his hand stops midway because shadowy tendrils are wrapped around his arm.
In the blink of an eye, the Bavan's arm snaps at an odd angle and the crunch of broken bones rings in my ears. He screams, staring at his limp and useless hand. The shadows slip around the troll's neck, torso, and legs, ripping him off me, and slamming him against the wall.
"Are you alright?" Atlas appears from the shadows, his hold on my attacker firm, his eyes violet and enraged.
I nod my head, wiping the blood trickling from the corner of my mouth. The sight of my injury sends Atlas into a wicked rage. Though his eyes are on me, he breaks the troll's legs, and his wails ruin what would've been a beautiful night.
"Atlas," I stand up, and slip my hands on either side of his face. "I'm alright," I whisper, drawing him back from the darkness.
A calm washes over his features when I touch him, and he unclenches his jaw. Slowly, he reaches up and thumbs what is probably a swollen, bruising lip, and turns his attention to the Bavan.
"Who are you?" his voice thunders.
"I didn't know she belonged to you," the Bavan whimpers.
"I'll ask one more time," Atlas' shadow tendrils tighten on the man's torso. "Who are you?"
"I'm a merchant. I sell goods in Bava and in The Quarters -"
"You mean, people," I interrupt with a snarl, drawing Atlas' furious gaze. "You sell people."
"Had I known you already had a master, I never would have taken -"
Atlas doesn't let the Bavan finish. He snaps his neck and tosses his corpse overboard. Our eyes meet once we hear the splash. I wait for his eyes to return to their natural green, but they remain violet.
"Atlas," I whisper, but he's upon me before I can finish. His hands cup my face, his shadows dance around me, caressing my arms, legs, and neck. "Can you feel everything your shadows touch?" I ask breathlessly, overwhelmed by the gentleness of his shadowy touch.
There's a flash of surprise in his eyes before they turn molten. "Yes." His voice is low, like he's admitting a deep, dark secret.