"What's there to figure out?" I retract my hand. "If what you say is true, that means the people who I believe to be my parents aren't my parents and they drugged me my entire life to mask my appearance and suppress my magic. Does that sum it up, Sele- Eris?"

"I know you're scared," Eris says, causing my left eye to twitch, "but we can help you. Atlas told you last night we can help you with your magic -"

"And why would any of you want to help me?" I glare at each one of them individually, but they all remain silent. "My change in appearance and my newly discovered magic does not make me less of a Midorian. I am still your enemy at the end of the day."

"Will the Midorians see it that way?" Atlas' question punches me in the gut. "You're everything they despise. Do you really believe they will allow you to rule over them now? Not that they would have before, since they deem women lesser than men."

"How dare you?" I seethe, taking a heavy step toward him.

"Tell me I'm wrong." Atlas holds his ground, towering over me.

"We can help you find out who you are and how you ended up in Midori." Finn scoots closer to Eris, clearly attempting to ease the tension between me and his brother. He and the Hydran exchange a quick glance that I can't interpret, but it seems like they have a secret language only they understand.

"Just because I no longer look like a Midorian, doesn't mean I am not your enemy." I flip the hood back over my head, brushing my new white locks behind me. "How far of a walk is it to the capitol city of Bava?"

"If you don't slow us down," Atlas rolls his sleeping bag, secures it to the top of his rucksack, and straps it to his back, "it'll be about a five-day trek."

"What do you mean, if I don't slow you down?" I glare at him.

"In all your years of living in luxury, I doubt you had to walk more than five minutes before your servants hoisted you up in a palanquin."

"Atlas," Eris chides, an edge of warning in her tone that seems to amuse him.

"Don't concern yourself with my stamina, Tronovian." I grab my sleeping bag and angrily attempt to tie it to the top of the pack Finn gave me, but I can't seem to figure out how to get it to stay. Nyx extends his hand to help, but I stubbornly wave him off. After a brief struggle, I finally secure the sleeping bag and toss the knapsack over my shoulder. "Now," I huff, "if I'm to be your prisoner for the unforeseeable future, I'd at least like to survive this stars-forsaken jungle and take a nice warm bath."

Atlas shrugs, stomping out what remains of our campfire. "Plenty of rivers in the jungle, Princess."

"For you to sneak a peek?" I scoff, shaking my head. "I think not."

"You flatter yourself. I've never had to lurk in the darkness to watch a woman bathe." He approaches me, and I stand my ground, refusing to give him the satisfaction of shrinking back. I harden my face and stare up at him. "In time," he whispers, "they ask me to join."

"You're a pig."

"But never lonely," he winks and saunters away from camp. Nyx, Finn, and Eris grab their belongings and take off after Atlas. "You coming, woman?" He grins at me over his shoulder. I'd slap those dimples off his perfectly symmetrical face, if I could.

I remind myself I need these Tronovians alive and well to lead me to Bava, so I can escape them and this treacherous jungle. Reluctantly, I follow them deeper into the mossy landscape, and pray we don't run into anymore Pantheras.


It'sbeenthreedayssince I've had a proper bath and I'm beginning to hate the feel of my own skin.

The sunlight streams through the tree limbs and the stickiness of the humid jungle takes its toll on us. By nightfall, we're thoroughly exhausted, so we set up camp near a small stream. Nyx and Finn aren't shy about stripping down to their underwear and slipping into the cool water, but I won't be caught naked in the middle of this stars-forsaken jungle. No Tronovian eyes will have the opportunity to peruse my body – they will get no such satisfaction from me.

Eris, however, shimmies out of her clothes, keeping her underwear on, and joins the brothers. As soon as she hits the water, she transforms into her water form, taking me by surprise. I've heard the stories of Hydrans' blue skin, webbed fingers, and cerulean hair, but to see it firsthand, and this close, is both frightening and breathtaking.

Atlas does what he does best: slips into the shadows. Nyx told me during our walk this morning that Atlas likes to scout the area to ensure their safety for the night, but I think he likes spying on the rest of us when we think we have privacy.

"Do you want to join us, Shaye?" Nyx flashes a smile my way, motioning for me to jump in.

"Pass," I shake my head.

"Come on!" Nyx pouts. "You know you want to wash all that mud off."

"Let her be," Eris chimes in. She glances in my direction, as if she's expecting me to thank her for coming to my aid, but it'll be a frosty day in Midori before I thank her for a damn thing. The brothers kidnapped me, but at least they were honest about their crime. She spent months befriending me, tricking me into letting my guard down, and when the time was right, she struck and betrayed me. All that time I thought she was my friend, but she is nothing more than a snake in the grass. I want nothing to do with her.

"If you change your mind," Nyx tries again, "we'll be right here."

I roll my eyes and make my way downstream, still within view of my captors, but far enough so I don't have to watch them bathe. Despite the brothers being sculpted by the Celestials, it's indecent to gawk at their bronze physiques, and I'm beyond irritated that I'm tempted to look. I crouch down on the embankment and dip my hands into the water, splashing it around my face, up and down my arms, and I even take a moment to wash my legs. I can't help but be disgusted by the mud caked to my clothes and the dirt taking up residence underneath my fingernails.