Page 104 of Aloha, Seattle

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Theo kisses me and I see our future flash before my eyes. I see children that have his mischievous eyes and my wild hair running around the backyard; a dog prancing right along with them. The white picket fence and the traditional house in the suburbs. I see Theo and I growing old together. I see the family I have dreamed of but didn’t think I would have.

For the first time looking into a man’s eyes, I see what life can be, and I have no intentions of letting it slip through my fingers.

“Happy New Year, Catalina,” Theo smiles, his lips a couple inches from mine.

“Happy New Year, Théoden.”


Eleven Months Later

“What can I get for you?” The waitress clicks the top of her pen and places the tip against her pad.

I glance across the table at Catalina knowing what she is going to order before she says a word. It is a year to the day that we met at this coffee shop and there’s something I’ve been wanting to ask her for months.

I knew I was in love with Catalina the day we met. One cup of coffee was all it took for me to fall under her spell. And in the eleven months of us officially dating, I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life making her happy.

I have had several opportunities to propose to her, but each time I was about to pop the question, something derailed my plans. Liam and Tess’s engagement, Caleb and Sarah’s baby announcement, Isaac and Eve’s shocking elopement, and Tommy and Lauren’s wedding.

I surprised Catalina with a trip to Greece this summer with the intention of proposing. But when my parents heard we were flying to the Mediterranean, they invited themselves to join us and insisted on Catalina meeting our Greek relatives. As much as I love my parents, I didn’t think it would be the most romantic proposal with my Mama and her sisters in the background shoveling Greek delicacies down our throats.

But today, is the perfect opportunity for me to propose. I have had this pear-shaped diamond engagement ring in my pocket for six months and it is about time I saw it on Catalina’s finger rather than hidden in my sock drawer waiting for the right moment.

The look on Catalina’s face jerks me back to the present. I have been deep in thought and the waitress is already gone.

“Don’t worry, I ordered for you. You must be thinking about something important.” Her smile is bright even though the weather is dreary and cold. “Care to share?”

Even though my heart is pounding like a drum in my chest, I know the moment is right. It is time for her to be mine. I reach across the table and clasp her long and slender fingers in my hand.

“I told you once that one cup of coffee was all it took for me to fall in love with you. And while that is true,” my gaze bounces between her brown eyes and her full lips, “I fell in love with you more than once.”

One of her eyebrows arches playfully. “What do you mean?”

“I fell in love with you when you were debating on whether or not you should come up to my loft for Thanksgiving. I fell in love with you when you braved a dinner with my family before flying to Hawaii. I fell in love with you when you sang awful karaoke.”

“Hey!” She tries to protest but I squeeze her hand and shake my head.

“I’m sorry, babe, but it’s time you knew the truth. You are a terrible singer. But I fell deeper in love with you with each shrieking note.”

Catalina sticks her tongue out at me, and I laugh, drawing a smile from her.

“I fell in love with you during the Wedding Games, your first tattoo, our first kiss, our pillow fight. What I’m trying to tell you is that I found myself falling for you every time we were together and after a year of knowing you, I’m still finding things to love about you.”

“Oh, Theo.” She leans her head up as if that one motion will keep her tears at bay.

Just over Catalina’s shoulder I notice the waitress coming back with our coffee and with my free hand I reach into my pocket for the ring.

“Is there anything else I can get for you two?” The waitress asks as she sets our drinks down. Catalina’s white chocolate mocha with extra whipped cream and mine straight black.

“No, we’re perfect, thank you.” Catalina’s sweet voice dismisses our waitress, leaving me to ask her the question I have been itching to ask since the day we met.

“Catalina.” Her name comes out as a raspy whisper. She lowers her white mug from her lips.

“Is everything alright?”

I bob my head a little too hastily, but I press on. “Catalina, a year ago today, we sat at this table, and you agreed to be my fake girlfriend. Well, there’s something else I’d like to ask of you.” I bring the ring up for her to see and she gasps. Her hand flies to cover her mouth. “Catalina Hernandez Ortega, will you marry me?”

A tear streaks down her cheek and she nods, a smile sneaks across her tan face. “Yes,” she squeaks.

I slip the ring on her finger, and she admires it fondly before panic shoots through her face.

“What’s wrong?” I suck in a heavy breath.

Her hands shoot to her wild curls in a messy bun. She is wearing one of my sweatshirts that is entirely too big for her and looks more like a dress. Catalina snorts out a giggle.

“You must really love me to propose with me looking like this.”

“You look perfect.” I lean across the table and kiss her, thankful that she was the Cate in the coffee shop a year ago. “You always do.”