I nod, feeling a sense of trust and camaraderie with my fellow Enclave operatives. We may come from different backgrounds and have different motivations, but we're all united in our desire to take down the ACB and bring justice to the people they've hurt.
As we make our way to the marina in the early morning light, I can't help but feel a sense of unease. But I also feel a sense of determination. We're in this together, and we won't back down until the ACB is brought to justice--and Olivia's friends are safe.
Myheartisreadyto jump out of my chest by the time we show up at the marina. I haven't seen my father in two years--and I'm not looking forward to it. He was never a kind man, always prepared to use me as a bargaining chip in his political games, and I'm sure he hasn't changed.
But if he's willing to give me Kendra...I'll sacrifice myself.
I haven't told the guys--I don't want to, and I know they wouldn't accept it--but it's my fault Kendra is in danger in the first place. If my dad offers to exchange Kendra for me, I'll accept.
As we pull up to the marina, my anxiety only increases. I try to hide it, but I know the guys can sense it. They're good like that. Phoenix reaches over to touch my shoulder, squeezing gently. "We've got your back," he says.
"I love you," I blurt out.
It's not what he was expecting; we haven't said it before, even though it's obvious. Phoenix's eyes widen and I swallow hard.
"I just wanted to say it in case something happens," I whisper. "And because it's true. I love you, Phoenix."
Phoenix's grip on my shoulder tightens for a moment before he pulls away. "I love you too," he says, his voice rough with emotion. "But don't talk like that, okay? We're going to get Kendra back and everything will be okay."
I nod, trying to believe the words he's saying. But deep down, I know that it might not be that simple. My father is not a man to be underestimated. He's a powerful politician with connections that run deep, and he's not afraid to use them to get what he wants.
"We won't let anything happen to you," Mercer says from nearby. I didn't even know he was sitting right next to us--I've been so distracted by the potential for our plan to go to shit. But it makes me feel better to know that all three of them are with me, and Jade too.
Kendra's going to be safe.
That's what matters.
I can't look at them as we dock and I walk across the gangplank, my fists clenched at my sides and a pistol stuck into the back of my jeans. I can feel their eyes on me as I walk into the shadows of the marina, amongst all the classy boats. I haven't been somewhere this decadent since I ran away, and it feels like coming home...but there's a sinister twist to it. I lived my whole life in a gilded cage, and I never wanted to come back.
My father's yacht is there, sleek and impressive in the water. He's already waiting for me on deck. I don't want to get on the boat--this is abad idea--but I know I don't have a choice when he gestures for me to join him.
"Well?" he says.
I grimace. "We didn't agree to do this onboard."
"And yet, here you are," he says. "The way I see it, I'm the one who has somethingyouwant. So we do this on my terms."
I glare at him. "Fine."
As I climb aboard, I'm struck by how much he's aged since I last saw him. There's gray in his hair that wasn't there before, his eyes a little less blue, his shoulders a little less broad and overbearing But his eyes are just as cold and calculating as they ever were.
"Good to see you, darling," he greets me with a smirk. "I trust you've come to your senses?"
I don't respond. I don't want to give him the pleasure. Instead, I cut straight to the chase.
"I'm here for Kendra," I say.
"I think we should talk first," he says. "I've missed you, darling."
"Liar," I spit out.
He chuckles. "Always so blunt. I suppose the years haven't changed you at all."
"They've changed me enough to know that I don't want anything to do with you," I retort.