"Fine," I say reluctantly. "But we'll be right behind you. We won't let anything happen to you."
Olivia nods, a small smile of gratitude on her lips.
"I know," she says. "I just hope this works."
Jadehasbeenthrougha lot.
I can tell from the look on her face--the haunted shadow of her eyes. I find her in the safe room for omegas on the Raft, where she's still huddled with the other women she was rescued with. Her eyes widen when she sees me and she rushes toward me and flings her arms around my neck.
"Olivia!" she breathes. "I'm so glad you're okay."
I wrap my arms around her tightly and feel her shaking. I pull back to look at her face and notice a new scar just above her eyebrow. My heart breaks for her all over again.
"Jade, are you okay?" I ask. I already know the answer, but I need her to talk to me, to let it out.
She shakes her head and begins to cry. "I can't stop thinking about it, Olivia. The way they treated us, the things they did..."
I pull her back into me and rub her back soothingly. "I know, Jade. It's okay to feel scared and upset. But you're safe now. You're with the Enclave. We'll protect each other."
She sniffles and nods, taking deep breaths. "Thank you, Olivia. I don't know what I'd do without you."
I shake my head, tears pricking at my own eyes. "You shouldn't be thanking me, Jade. This is all because of me. I was with my pack while you were getting captured and loaded on that train..."
She squeezes my arms. "I don't blame you, Liv. I just wish Kendra had made it out with us."
I chew on my lip. "That's why I'm here," I tell her. "I know it might be hard, but I need you to tell me everything about how you were taken and what happened to Kendra."
Jade swallows hard. "You're going to get her?"
"I'm going to try."
"But Olivia...she'll be at the auction house by now. It's hopeless."
I guide her over to one of the cots, looking her in her big brown eyes. "It's never hopeless," I tell her. "Jade...I thought that I was done for when ACB agents followed me to the tattoo parlor, but then I met these amazing guys who saved my life. And now..."
I pull my hair back to show her the bite marks on my shoulders, three distinct bites to match my brand new tattoo. Jade's expression is a mix of horror and awe as she stares at the markings.
"What is that?" she asks, gently tracing the outline of one of the bites.
I take a deep breath, trying to hold back tears. "It's the mark of my mate. I never thought I'd find one, especially not in the middle of all this chaos...but then I found three. They saved me, Jade. And now, I have to try and save Kendra."
Jade nods, understanding the gravity of the situation. "Okay. I'll tell you everything I remember."
As Jade recounts her harrowing tale, I listen intently and take notes, already formulating a plan in my mind. This might be our chance to strike back at the ACB and save one of our own. And with my mates by my side, I know we can do anything.
Ireallyhopedthiswhole rescue mission would be over once we hit that train...but now Olivia is eager to throw herself into danger with us.
I hold her close as we sleep on the houseboat in the hours before we're meant to meet with Eduardo Cruz. We didn't tell Rafe or anyone else in the Enclave--they would never allow it, or they would want to do more--so we plan to leave in the middle of the night.
I wake up to find Olivia's body pressed against mine, her arms wrapped tightly around me. Her warmth and the familiar scent of her hair make me feel safe in this harsh world we live in. But I can't help the nagging feeling at the back of my mind, wondering if I made the right decision by allowing her to come with us.