Page 54 of Omega Inked

I catch a glimpse of Fallon charging towards the train, taking out enemy soldiers with ease. Hawk is on his heels, his own gun blazing. Mercer is providing cover from a nearby vantage point, picking off any enemies trying to flank us.

Rafe and Phoenix are making their way towards the train's engine, where they suspect the girls are being held captive. I follow closely, my own gun trained on the enemy soldiers trying to stop us.

As we approach the engine, I can hear screams coming from inside. My heart races, and I know that we have to act fast. Rafe kicks open the door, and we rush inside.

The first thing that hits me is the overwhelming scent of omegas--close to heat, if I had to guess. That's probably Jade and Kendra, and maybe some others, since they've all been unable to get suppressants. The drugs are valuable, and it would make sense that the ACB wants to lock down on their use.

The sight before us is gruesome. The girls--six of them--are huddled in a corner, their clothes torn and stained with blood. Some of them have bruises on their faces, while others look dazed and confused. There's a man standing over them, and he turns to face us as we enter.

"Who the hell are you?" he demands, his eyes darting around nervously.

Rafe steps forward, his rifle trained on the man. "We're here to rescue these girls. Release them now and we won't kill you."

The man sneers. "I don't think so. You're too late. The auction is tonight. These girls are worth a fortune, and you're not taking them away."

He raises his own gun, and I feel a surge of adrenaline coursing through my veins. This is it--the moment that everything hinges on.

I hold my breath in the second before the chaos begins.

Mercer and Hawk burst into the room, taking out the remaining enemy soldiers with lethal precision. The sound of gunfire echoes through the train car, drowning out the screams of the girls. Fallon rounds up the girls, helping them to their feet as they stumble out of the corner. I can see the fear etched on their faces, and I know that we have to move fast.

Rafe takes out the man with one shot, and we rush to the door, Fallon leading the way as we make our way out into the bright sunlight.

"Run!" I shout, my heart pounding in my chest. "Get to the boat!"

The girls take off running, their bare feet pounding against the hard ground. We follow closely, our guns at the ready in case any enemies show up. Mercer takes the rear, covering our escape as we make our way towards the shore.

We can hear the sound of enemy soldiers chasing after us, their voices growing louder with each passing second. We're outnumbered, but we're determined to get these girls to safety.

"Wait!" one of them cries, her voice sharp. "There are more people we need to help!"

I stumble slightly, looking at her. The girl is a petite brunette with wide brown eyes filled with tears. "What? Where?"

"It doesn't matter," Rafe snarls, grabbing her by the arm. "There's no time."

"But...she's my best friend," the girl says. "I've already lost too many people."

I want to help, but I can already see it's useless. The train is chugging to life, the ACB agents moving the rusted out car off the track. It's hopeless--we could risk everyone if we don't leave now.

I can see the internal struggle on Rafe's face. He's always been one to take risks, to push harder and farther. But this time, he knows that we have to make a choice.

"We don't have time," he says firmly, tugging the girl towards the boat. "We have to go."

The girl's eyes fill with tears, but she doesn't resist. We all know what's at stake here, and we can't afford to risk it for one person. As we run towards the boat, I can hear the sound of enemy soldiers getting closer.

"Get in the boat!" Rafe shouts, pushing the girls towards the waiting vessel. "I'll cover you!"

I hesitate for a moment, looking back towards the train. But I know that Rafe is right--we have to leave. I climb into the boat, taking my place at the oars. Hawk and Mercer follow, their eyes scanning the horizon for any sign of trouble. Hawk goes straight to the controls, Rafe the last one to jump on as we pilot through the surf. A few bullets whiz past us, hitting the water and the sand...

...then we're safe.

It's over. Just like that.

It's only then that it occurs to me that we're on the boat with six unmated omegas...and that I don't feel a thing. Just the impulse to get back to Olivia.

Rafe, on the other hand...

"I'll be below deck," he grates out. "Fallon--take control of the boat. Hawk, with me."