Page 41 of Crimson Wrath

But not quick enough.

More of Volkov’s men emerge, from every corner of the site, flocking like birds in the sky. There’s simply too much of them. Whichever way we run, we’re going to be rushing headlong into danger.

Suddenly, a shout cuts through the noise surrounding us.

“Ulianov!” It’s Volkov. “Watch as I take out another of your bitches.”

Despite the shouting and grunts of the men around us, I hear the sound of steel grinding as he cocks a pistol.

The area around me fades away as I find my focus locked onto the man standing several feet away from me. Who could blame me, though? His eyes are cold and deadly, and I have no doubt that I’m in deep shit right now.

Because suddenly, I’m staring down the barrel of a gun.

Chapter 14


“Yobanyy Urod!”

Gritting my teeth, I force myself to my feet. The seething rage inside me is fueled by Volkov’s cold words. A primal instinct takes over – I refuse to lose another woman to this motherfucking animal. I refuse to lose anyone!

“Volkov!” My voice is raw from anger as I glare at him. “This ends now!”

“Ah, look who’s awake? Ready to see your littlesuka’sbrain blown out?” The bastard chuckles, his grip on the gun tightening.

I sense Scarlett shrinking back and holding up her hands. My anger grows hotter, like molten lava, about to pour over.

“Move!” I one swift move, I spring to my feet, shoving Scarlett to the side as fast as I can. If Volkov start shooting, he will be using hollowpoints. If a slug hits her— I don’t want to think about it.

“You think you can save her?” Volkov shouts. “You think that I’ll let anyone you care about live?” A slug whines past me and smashes into the ground, exactly where Scarlett had been standing a second before. Good thing Volkov has always been more focused on his lust for control than on keeping his gun skills honed. Not that it makes him any less dangerous. The bastard starts firing shots at me and I throw myself to the side just in time to avoid another bullet cutting through the air.

I hit the ground hard, get back to my feet, and crouch as I look up. I’m just in time to see fucking Volkov leap from his perch and clamber down the scaffolding he’d been standing on like some sort of twisted fucking ivory tower.

The bastard is still agile, I’ll give him that much.

Gravel crunches beneath his shoes as he starts making his way over to me. I pull myself to my full height, meeting his eye. There’s amusement in his. I know mine shine with hatred. Years of it, combined with the rage born in loss.

“Not a smart move, Anton,” he smirks, raising his gun and pressing the barrel to my forehead. “Now you die, bastard!”

Cold steel pushes into my skin, but I don’t wait for death to come. Volkov may be dangerous, but he’s forgotten the most important part: close combat is what I do best.

“You should have taken your shot from afar, motherfucker.”

With a snarl, I snap my arm up and pull him close to me. I twist his wrist so brutally, it snaps, and send the gun flying out of his hand.

“Aaaah,chert voz’mi!”

His guttural scream tears through the air, and I already know what’s next. The idiot let his ego get in the way of his victory, and that will be his downfall. But I can’t waste another moment. In a less than a second, his men will come to his rescue, and I cannot allow that.

“You brought this upon yourself,mudak,” I snarl as I draw up my own weapon.

In one swift move, I push the barrel against his chest, and pull the trigger.


The bullet cuts through his body like it was butter, spilling blood in its trail. For one brief moment, a haunting silence descends upon us. Volkov stumbles as he lifts wide eyes upon me before looking down. A crimson stain is spreading across the white fabric of his shirt. Surprise colors his features.

What the fuck did he expect?