My hands clench, knuckles blanching. “Where’s my son?”
“All in good time.” Volkov’s voice is oily smugness. “First, we discuss the terms of his release.”
“Name your price.” I grind out the words. Luka watches impassively from across my desk as I set the call to speaker.
“Your life for the boy’s.”
Red-hot rage surges through me. I want to reach through the phone and strangle Volkov. “You lay a finger on him, and you’re dead.”
Volkov chuckles. “Empty threats. You’re in no position to be making demands.” There’s muffled talking in the background and then Volkov continues, “You will come for your son. You will beg for his life. And you will do it on your knees in front of all of the others.”
My jaw sets. A lesson in humiliation. I expected no less. Money means nothing to him – breaking me down before his men is what matters to Volkov. He needs to prove himself after I humiliated him by defying him. I don’t give a fuck either way.
“Where?” I ask.
There’s more dry chuckling for a moment. He’s enjoying the moment, the motherfucker. “I knew I could count on you to be reasonable.” Volkov pauses again, dragging these moments out.
“Where?” I repeat.
“I will send you the details when the time is right.” The bastard’s smart. Giving away too much right now would give me a chance to prepare. He wants me going in on the back foot. That’s never going to happen. I’ve lived my entire life being ready for anything.
Not that it’s always served me well. Losing Katya was proof of that.
Don’t forget Scarlett and Nikolai…
I silence the voice in my head. “Fine.” I pull in a breath. He hasn’t mentioned Scarlett. “The woman,” I begin, but don’t get any further. The line goes dead.
I slam down the receiver, chest heaving. Nikolai – I have to get him out of Volkov’s clutches. But that snake didn’t even mention Scarlett. What the fuck is he playing at? Has he killed her already? The thought makes me sick.
Luka leans back in his seat, brow furrowed. “What’s your plan?”
My frown matches his. “I need to think on it. If he has them in different locations, it changes the landscape. He didn’t mention Scarlett.”
Luka’s expression hardens. “You think he’s already disposed of her?”
What a fine choice of words.
“It’s possible. Volkov has no use for witnesses.” I drag a hand through my hair, gut churning.
“We will find them.” Luka’s tone brokers no argument, though I’m almost positive that while Nikolai is likely alive, there’s no hope for her. “But first, we stall Volkov for as long as possible to give us time to locate them.”
I nod. As much as it galls me, Volkov has us over a barrel. For now. “Gather our contacts. It’s time to call in favors.”
Luka inclines his head. “On it, boss.” His eyes glint with steely purpose and I take a moment, I admire his loyalty. Through all these years, he has never let me down. And he’s putting his life on the line for me, once more. Even though there’s nothing in it for him. I must make sure he is generously rewarded when this is all over.
If we make it out alive, that is.
Luka leaves to make calls, and I retreat to my study. My mind spins in circles, trying to determine Volkov’s endgame. Why take Nikolai and use him to barter with but remain silent on Scarlett? It makes no sense.
Because she’s dead.
I can’t allow myself to think that way. Perhaps he means to use one as leverage over the other. The thought chills my blood. Volkov has no moral compass. He would hurt Scarlett to get to Nikolai, just as he would hurt Nikolai to control me.
I slam a fist onto the desk, rattling the whisky glass that’s set beside me. I should never have let Scarlett get close. It made her a pawn in Volkov’s game, just like Nikolai, and it’s my fucking fault.
When Luka returns, grim determination etched into every line of his face, I straighten. “Any news?”