Page 9 of Crimson Fury

“You won’t be so fucking prissy with my dick down your throat, baby girl.”

My face goes hot with rage. Motherfucker! I’m going to zap him with a stream of pepper spray before I kick him straight in the nuts.

I don’t get a chance.

Because just as I’m about to reach into my purse and spray the idiot in the face, something blurs past me. Something so fast I barely see it. But what I do see is that Hector’s eyes suddenly widen. His mouth drops open for a moment before he flies sideways away from me. Yeah. The idiot literally flies sideways. A heavy fist has just smacked into his jaw and taken him clean off his feet.

“The lady’s not interested.” A guttural voice snarls in a strange accent.

In a flash, Hector’s buddies violently surge forward in defense of their friend. It all happens in a fragment of a second.

“What the—,” I blurt, but my breath gets stuck in my throat.

And then I see him.

Tall, dark, as big as a freaking wall, the man emerges from nowhere. Moving like a panther, graceful and lethal in spite of his size, he starts taking out Hector’s buddies like he’s taking out trash.

Holy shit!

I’m too shocked to move as I watch the big guy knocking them all out with ease. He moves so fast, it almost seems like he’s not really there – just a whirl of lethal kicks and flying fists.

And then, it’s all over.

Hector and his buddies are out in less than a minute. Lena is wide-eyed, clutching the bar. The rest of the patrons are staring in stunned silence.

Recognizing defeat, Hector backs away, battered and bloody, with hate in his eyes.

“This isn’t the end of this!” he snarls. The rest of the guys are dragging their comrades out, as bloodied as their ringleader, some unconscious. No one looks dead though.

My “rescuer” surveys the occupants of the bar with a fierce expression. Everything in the room seems to freeze, as if time has stopped. People start looking pointedly in the opposite direction, afraid to be drawn into the fray.

Jesus Christ.

So much for not drawing attention.

The man turns and strides toward me with purpose, his gaze locked on mine. As he gets closer, I can make out his features more clearly and my breath catches in my throat for the second time. Aside from tousled dark hair, he still looks utterly composed – he’s barely broken a sweat.

And the man is goddamn beautiful; all chiseled features and glowering intensity. His jaw is steel and shadowed with stubble, his mouth is a hard line, and his eyes…his eyes are dark molten gold flecked with anger and heat.

Holy crap!

“You are okay?” His voice is a deep rumble, unusually accented with something familiar. Russian, maybe?

I nod mutely, still not quite able to believe what just happened.

“Good.” He nods too, then glances around at the destruction before turning back to me.”Next time maybe you’ll think first before coming into a place dressed like that.”


Is he fucking kidding me?

I glance down at my snug pink t-shirt, hip-hugging Levis, and sneakers.

“Yeah, coz clearly I came here looking for a hookup,” I snap. What a dick. “Thanks, by the way.” I jerk my head toward the carnage. “But I could have handled that myself.”

The corner of his mouth flickers slightly. “Yes?”

“Yes.” I fold my arms over my chest, then think better of it when his eyes shift down to where I’ve propped my boobs up inadvertently.