Page 64 of Crimson Fury

“Okay,” he grins, getting into the swing of it. I hurry us along, keeping my head low, grimacing as the cart’s wheels rattle. The men with Hector are beginning to peer around the crowded lot. One of them is strolling toward the SUV. Definitely too obvious. I’ve dropped out of sight, but we won’t have time on our side. I’m still trying to find a suitable replacement when Niko tugs at my hand.

“Got one!” he chortles, hopping on the spot. “It’s mine now, right?”

“Sure is, kiddo.” I ruffle his hair. “Shall we take it for a ride?” When he hesitates, I nudge his shoulder. “Come on, it’ll be fun!”


Definitely going to hell.

A minute later, I’ve jimmied open the door of a small silver-gray Ford Fiesta. Bundling Nikolai into the back, I heave a sigh of relief at the sight of a child’s booster seat.

“Let’s buckle up, buddy!” I grin at him, fumbling with the belt. If things go wrong, I’m going to need him strapped in tight. Though I can’t help feeling a pang of guilt for the parent who’s going to get back with their kid to find their car gone.

It’s for the greater good, Scarlett!

“Don’t forget the groceries,” Niko reminds me, and for a second I have to try to figure out what he’s talking about.


If I leave them behind, he’s going to know something’s up. Shoving the bags on the back seat beside him, I close the door, then hop into the front seat and fumble with the ignition wires. Moments later, the car fires to life.

“Okay, hold on tight, Niko,” I say, glancing at Nikolai through the rearview mirror. He nods, gripping the edges of his booster seat, eyes wide with excitement.

As we pull out of the parking lot, I keep my eyes peeled for any sign of Hector or his burly friends. My heart races in my chest like a wild stallion, and my hands grip the steering wheel tightly. The last thing I want is to put Nikolai in danger, but there’s no turning back now.

“Miss Scarlett?” Nikolai pipes up from the backseat. “Are we going to go home now?” God, I told him this was just a little road trip. He was anxious enough just leaving the estate.

“Of course, sweetheart,” I reply, forcing a smile onto my face as I glance at him in the mirror. “Just a little adventure, that’s all.” Internally, though, my thoughts are racing. We need to get as far away from here as possible, without drawing any attention to ourselves.

As we weave our way through the city streets, I can’t help but feel a sense of unease. My eyes keep darting to the side mirrors, half expecting to see someone tailing us. Every car that passes too closely triggers a jolt of panic in the pit of my stomach. I need to stay focused, not just for my sake, but for Nikolai’s too.

“Hey, Niko,” I say casually, trying to distract myself from the growing anxiety gnawing at me. “Why don’t you tell me about your favorite superhero? What kind of powers do they have?”

“Um, well…” he begins, hesitating only briefly before launching into an enthusiastic explanation of a character he’s dreamed up. His excitement is infectious, and soon, I find myself smiling genuinely as we discuss the make-believe world of superheroes and villains. It’s a welcome distraction from the very real danger we may face.

But as I turn onto another street, my heart skips a beat. In the rearview mirror, I catch sight of a dark sedan that seems to be following us. The driver is wearing sunglasses, but something about his posture sends shivers down my spine.

It’s one of them!

“Scarlett?” Nikolai asks, sensing the sudden shift in my demeanor. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing, kiddo,” I reply, trying to keep my voice steady. “Just need to take a little detour, that’s all.”

With that, I grip the wheel tighter, preparing myself for the high-speed chase that’s about to unfold. My priority now is keeping Nikolai safe and getting us both out of this mess unscathed – no matter what it takes.

As the car behind us begins to close the distance, I recognize the driver as one of the men who’d been with Hector.

One of Cartwright’s men!

He has to be!

Who else would be looking for me out here? Gritting my teeth, I suck in a breath, shift gears, and slam my foot onto the accelerator. The little car leaps forward and Nikolai lets out a shriek. The sedan speeds up behind us, swerving through traffic. My heart pounds as I weave between cars, pushing our little vehicle to its limits.

“Vroom vroom!” I say, trying to lighten the mood. As my driving grows more erratic, Nikolai grips the door handle, his eyes wide.

“What’s happening?” His voice trembles slightly.

“Just hold on tight! It’s gonna be like in the movies!” I shout, checking my mirrors again. The sedan is gaining on us, its grill filling my vision. I can almost see the driver’s sneer behind those dark glasses.