Page 58 of Crimson Fury

“Yes!” I gasp out as we move in a frenzy of lips and hands and panting breath. I can feel every inch of him sliding inside me, pushing deep enough to take my breath away, but I love every second of it. Despite fighting him at every turn, I’m starting to get the measure of the man now, and it’s as if our bodies were made for each other.

Every nerve ending in my body feels as if it’s on fire with the pleasure coursing through my veins. I wrap one hand around his neck while using the other to grab onto his back as I match him thrust for thrust, desperate for more of him.

He leans forward so that our chests press together with each plunge, sending shivers through my body as I feel every ripple of muscle under his skin.

Fuck he’s strong. Strong and so damned beautiful it almost hurts to look at him. His lips find mine in between breaths and I kiss him hungrily as we move together faster and faster toward a climax that I know is going to blow my mind.

“Come with me,” he says against my mouth as I feel a telltale swirl in the pit of my belly that promises I’m close.

“Ooooohhh, God,” I groan low in my throat. In spite of the bruising grip of his hands, in spite of the rough bark of the tree at my back, in spite of the chill in the air, I’m going to…I’m going to… I’m—

“Miss Scarlett?” a small voice calls out.

“Oh, no!” I choke.


It’s Nikolai.

I go stiff in an instant. Anton’s head snaps up as he pulls out of me and lets me slide to the floor. The emptiness he leaves makes me want to weep, but there’s no time for it. I hastily tug my skirt down as Anton adjusts his pants.

“Miss Scarlett, are you out here?” Nikolai calls out again. I run a hand over my hair to smooth it, sneaking a quick look at Anton, who’s eyeing me coolly.

“Here, Niko,” I call back, my voice hoarse. “I’m down here talking to your papa.”

“Talking?” Anton murmurs, his eyes burning into mine with a knowing smirk. I glare at him, but he just chuckles under his breath, turning his attention back to the logs as Nikolai comes running around the corner.

“Miss Scarlett!” The young boy skids to a halt beside me, panting slightly. “Papa, I’ve been looking for you, too.”

“Ah, Niko, what can we do for you?” Anton asks his son, wiping the sweat from his brow with his bunched-up shirt.

Nikolai looks between us, his bright eyes curious. “Luka said that dinner will be ready soon.”

“Ah,” Anton says, glancing at me as he answers. “That sounds good. I could…eat,” he adds as he looks at me. The subtext is unmissable, but I ignore it.

“Thanks, kiddo,” I say, wishing my voice wasn’t so husky. “Let’s head on up.”

“I don’t think we’ve finished our…conversation,” Anton counters. I glare at him.

“No. I think we’ve said all that needs to be said,” I disagree. His eyes flicker for a moment before I turn on my heels, grab Niko’s hand, and walk back to the house.

Chapter 20


The cold air is bracing as I walk through the manicured gardens.

Driven by an insatiable need to be certain there are no holes in our security measures, I check everything to the last detail.

The sprawling ranch house looms in the distance like a fortress, standing tall and unwavering against the darkening sky. I sweep a careful eye over the high walls that encircle our haven, examining the security cameras perched atop every corner, their unblinking eyes capturing everything that happens on this property. Their silent vigilance is a reminder of the dangers that lurk just beyond these barriers – dangers that are getting closer every minute.

The armed guards patrolling the vast expanse of lawns are a testament to the lengths I’m willing to go for the sake of safety. Clad in black uniforms, their faces impassive and alert, they move like shadows, each step measured and precise.

“Good morning, Sir,” one says curtly as a pair pass me by. I nod silently in greeting as I stride along the pathway after I’ve run a look over their immaculate uniforms, weapons held at the ready. They know the gravity of their duty, and they’re being paid top dollar to do it.

As I make my way along the gravel path, my breath fogs in front of me, and I feel the weight of responsibility settling on my shoulders. There’s no room for error, not when the stakes are so high.

I pause for a moment, scrutinizing the placement of each camera, ensuring that their line of sight is unobstructed. I make a mental note to have them checked and serviced more frequently. The smallest detail could be the difference between life and death.