Page 62 of Crimson Fury

“Come on,” I say to Nikolai, grabbing his hand. “Let’s get what we need and get out of here.”

It turns out to be easier said than done. The phone call I had the other day still has my nerves on edge. I don’t know how close Cartwright is to finding me. His men could be looking for me in this very town for all I know. At every turn, I’m convinced I’m seeing men out to get me.

I slant a look at a pair of guys near the entrance who I’m convinced look like thugs. Broad-shouldered, in dark suits, I eye them suspiciously. Is that a wireless earpiece?

Oh, for God’s sake, it’s not a fucking earpiece, Scarlett!

I brush my fears aside. Not everyone here is out to get me. Besides, this is a completely unplanned visit. Nobody could possibly know I’d be here now.

Our first stop is the phone store. I buy a cheap smartphone for cash, not wanting any records of the purchase, then shove it deep into my bag.

When we leave the store, I’m relieved to notice that the shoppers around us look like regular folk going about their business.


You’re being ridiculous!

Although I can’t help tugging Nikolai closer as I pick up the pace as we make our way to the pharmacy. I scan the shelves until I find what I’m looking for. Finally, a pregnancy test! I grab two different brands, just to be sure. Glancing quickly around for Nikolai, I shove them across the cashier’s counter trying not to make eye contact. As I count out the cash to pay for them, apprehension begins to swirl. It’s all I can do not to rush out to the Ladies’ rooms and pee on a stick right now.

For God’s sake, Scarlett!

I need to pull myself together. There has to be another reason for what’s going on with me. I can’t be pregnant right now.

But I’m probably not. It must be all the stress I’ve gone through.

Please God…let it be true.

We’re heading toward the grocery store when I get my second shock for the day.

“Hey, baby girl,” a voice draws my attention.

I blink in confusion, taking a moment to figure out who’s talking to me. Tall, burly, dark, and good-looking…and a total asshole along with it. It’s the jerk from the bar who hit on me that night I ended up with Anton in my bed.


What are the damned odds of running into two people I know in the one morning I come down here? Probably the only two I’ve encountered in the whole freaking town on top of it all.

“You’re looking…tasty,” he leers, then looks down at Nikolai. Instinctively, I pull the boy closer, my protective instincts surging to the fore.

“What do you want, um…?” I search for his name. Who actually gives a fuck? I don’t want to know him.

“Hector,” he offers. I try not to curl my lip. “This your kid?”

“I asked what you want,” I say without answering him. I tug Nikolai behind me and set my shoulders.

“Ahh…baby girl, don’t be like that.”

“Look, Hector, I’m not in the mood for your games. You need to leave us alone,” I say firmly, my grip on Nikolai’s hand tightening.

“Fine, fine,” he says, raising his hands in surrender. “I was just admiring the view. No harm in that, right?”

“Goodbye, Hector,” I reply tersely, turning away and guiding Nikolai toward the grocery store. As we walk away, I can feel his eyes on me, but I refuse to look back. I don’t want to give him the satisfaction.

Once inside the store, I exhale abruptly. My heart still races in my chest, but I try to put the encounter out of my mind as I focus on gathering the provisions we need.

“Scarlett, can I pick some candies?” Nikolai asks, looking up at me with those big, innocent eyes.

“Sure, but just a few,” I tell him, trying to smile despite my lingering unease. He grins and skips over to the candy aisle while I grab some essentials. As I walk down the aisles, my thoughts drift to Anton and Luka. I wonder where they’ve gone and when they’ll be back. Part of me hopes it will be soon, but another part of me relishes the freedom. I shake my head, scolding myself for such contradictory thoughts.