Page 38 of Crimson Fury

“So what’s keeping you here now?” I ask, folding my arms over my chest. She stares at me for a second. “See? There’s the door.” I jerk my head in that direction. “Go if you want.”

“What?” She seems dumbfounded.

What the fuck are you doing, dolboyob?

Maybe it’s better if she leaves. If the Bratva knows where we are, I’m putting her in danger too. I have no right. And I don’t need another person to look after.

Fuck, I might regret this.

“You heard me. I’m not stopping you.” I reach a hand to where I’ve left my vodka. She flinches at the movement.

“But you said…”

“I know what I said.” I take a sip of my drink, eyeing her calmly. I swallow the liquid. “I’ve changed my mind.”

She doesn’t look convinced. “You don’t strike me as the type to change your mind.”

“Don’t I?” I cock my head, running an eye over her heaving chest and then back to her face. “Maybe I’m trying something new.”

“I don’t trust you.” She sticks her chin out, her eyes defiant.

“Suit yourself.” I empty my glass and set it down. When I straighten, she draws back, as if I’m about to grab her again. I’m not. I’ve had enough of this shit. “Leave, or stay. It’s your choice…for now.”

“For now?”

“You go tonight. Or you don’t go at all. And that’s the end of it.” I meet her eyes.

“What’s the catch?” She doesn’t trust me. I don’t blame her. But that doesn’t mean I have to spend my days playing Mr. Nice Guy.

“If you stay, I don’t want to hear anymore bitching about being held here against your will. If you go, you keep your mouth shut about what you’ve seen here. You forget any of this ever existed. One word, and I will find out.”

“And then?”

“I will end you.”

Her eyes flicker. They’re harsh words, but they’re necessary. I can’t put my son at risk if she has loose lips.

“Fine,” she says coldly. “I’ll think about it. But in the meantime…”

“In the meantime, what?”

“In the meantime, keep your hands to yourself.” I can see the challenge in her eyes, as if daring me to try again.

I’m not going to.

Though I’m left intrigued by the realization that she might be the first woman who doesn’t find me irresistible. There’s something exhilarating about the challenge she presents. And something forbidden.

But I can’t risk it.

Not right now.

“Stay out of my way, Scarlett,” I reply, my voice hardening.

“You first,” she says, and I can feel the heat of her anger. It mirrors my own. Between Ivan’s call and her fucking games, I’ve had just about all I can take of this day.

“It will be my pleasure,” I retort. We glare at each other for a second, until she suddenly breaks eye contact.

“I’ve had enough of this shit,” she says, echoing my own thoughts. “Touching me. Telling me to leave. You’re just fucking with me.” I shrug yet again, neither confirming nor denying it. She sets her glass down abruptly. “I’m going to bed,” she says sharply.