Julia’s heart is full as she listens to Genevieve, and even to Art. She’s glad Genevieve is okay, if sometimes angry. That she hasn’t carried the burden of what she did too heavily. That Julia has been able to protect her from that—whatever the cost.

She’d do it again, she thinks recklessly, as she turns the first page of Olivia’s documents. She had no choice. Nobody takes risks with things that are too precious to them.



Instagram photo:A clutch of peonies in a vase on a windowsill.

Instagram caption:Is it just me? No, it isn’t. It’s the entire world, I know. I am not the first person to be buying peonies in April and putting them in a watering can, no, however, I would say that, sometimes, being basic is the best way to be. Sorry not sorry.

Tweet:Watching my bf in a HIIT workout* at Portishead Beach while eating my eighth churro in a row, tutting at the disturbance x *High Intensity Interval Training, lol. For people training for... what? To sit at sedentary desk jobs looking hench, I guess.

Facebook:Recommendations for foodie nights?

Comment by Doug Adams:Pure Portishead.

Sent items:

28/04:[email protected]@hotmail.comI mean, he’s nice and all. I don’t know. It’s weird how hesometimes is. Anyway, see you tomorrow? Gals before geezers x

28/04:[email protected]@reflections.co.ukI’d love to. Thanks for this opportunity. Just checking, which documents will I need to bring with me to the interview? And can I check—though this sounds terribly worthy—what your company is doing to fight climate change? Sorry to ask but it’s important to me.

28/04:[email protected]@reflections.co.ukNo, that’s fine. I will just bring myself. Thanks for the info re renewables! Can’t wait! O


Olivia: Still on for next Thursday?

Dad: Hell to the yes.

Olivia: I’m excited to move in! I hear there’s a CAT?

Annie: I know, so exciting. There is a cat but it’s more like, I dunno, he just sort of hangs out here? But he doesn’t live here.

Olivia: How totally cute.

Annie: He’s a pain though—we’ve started buying cat food for him—lol.

Olivia: I’ll get some for when I move in!!

Annie: OMG you move in super soonest.

Olivia: I knowwwwwwwwww.

Second Day Missing



It’s your second therapy session today. Your idea, not mine.Matthew James, Room 104, said the confirmation text.

We were in the kitchen when you first asked about it, and I swear, my heart plummeted down my chest. Because, the thing is, not everyone should tell someone all their secrets, should they?

“Oh, right,” I said tightly. “Why?”

I didn’t even mean it, not really. I was just taken aback. But it takes nothing to make you retreat into your shell—shy, elusive, something of a dreamer. You find life hard, and confiding even harder. So—it was my mistake.