“Didn’t lose my virginity at prom.”
“But you said…”
“I said that was the plan. Tommy was a one pump and done kind of guy. No self-control. All talk when it came down to it. And as for coming, he came in my mouth before I barely licked or sucked. Didn’t get to try out any of my new skills.”
“What happened to—you know?”
“Tommy taking my virginity?”
“Once was all Tommy had in him. Couldn’t get hard for the main event.” She rolls her eyes and shakes her head in disgust. “We kissed and petted. He was useless with his fingers and made it crystal clear he wasn’t going down on me. Let’s just say prom was a big bust for me.”
“That totally went in a different direction than I imagined.” It’s the first glimmer of pain she reveals.
Tommy used her and that sting remains to this day. I take note and file it away.
“Doesn’t it always?” She frowns as if trying to contain the pain.
“I suppose.” I wonder if this is some kind of universal truth. Firsts are much different between men and women. Hell, we were just kids at the time.
“And I was in seventh grade.”
She nods before continuing. “My first kiss. It was at a party. We played spin the bottle. I don’t even remember the name of the guy. Hell, we were kids and he had braces. It was wet, mushy, and he cut my lip. Definitely don’t know why I ever wanted to kiss another boy.”
“Your firsts really suck.” I sympathize with her, leaning toward her, trying to close the distance between us without appearing obvious in front of the others.
“When did you lose your virginity?” Her voice takes on a more curious tone. “Sophomore year?”
“My experience was completely opposite yours.” Can’t help the smirk that comes from the memories of that time of my life.
“Oh, please tell.” Her eyes light up with anticipation. She steeples her fingers and taps them together lightly while looking at me.
“Sophomore year,” I begin with a grin and hold back the details, knowing full well it will evoke further interest on her end.
“Same year?” she eagerly asks, wanting to hear more about my sordid past and what transpired for me during that foundational year.
“Same year. Same girl…” My voice trails off into a whisper as I recall my first time. It was the moment when everything changed for me. An experience that was both exhilarating yet nerve-wracking. “My first kiss turned into my first blow job, the first time I fingered a girl, ate pussy, and the first and second time I fucked.”
“Ah, you weren’t a Tommy.” A glint of admiration shines in her eyes.
“Definitely not.” I puff out my chest, preening like a true cocky bastard. “Blew my load sooner than I wanted but held it together for Act Two and Three.”
“And who was this amazing girl who blew your mind—and your cock?” Her gaze cuts to my crotch. “Her name?”
“Hey, I was young. There was a lot going on. I have no idea.”
“Surely you saw her in school?”
“Oh…” I can’t help the grin. “She wasn’t in my school.”
“She was my girlfriend’s cousin, an older woman.”
“Wait a second. I gotta unpack that. Older woman? How much older? And you cheated on your girlfriend with her cousin?”