“Out?” Kaye’s brows scrunch together.
“To the pier. Rosalie wants to try San Francisco’s famous clam chowder.”
“Sounds good.”
“And…” The timbre of Carmen’s voice changes, takes on a tone I know all too well and agree with one hundred percent. She’s going to help me play matchmaker between Kaye and Zeb. “There’s four of them and four of us.”
It’s absolutely perfect.
Kaye sees right through us and the whole conversation degrades from there. We fall back in a pile, teasing each other, tickling each other, poking fun at one another, and generally having fun.
A soft knock on the door catches my attention. Rosalie stands in the doorway, eyes wide, and looking all kinds of out of place. Kaye tells her to come in and gets up to hug her while Carmen and I make plans to get Kaye and Zeb alone later tonight.
I hear Kaye mention something to Rosalie about a tour of the townhouse. The two of them disappear while Carmen and I put our heads together and play matchmaker.
Meaning, we scheme.
My spider senses suddenly notice a distinct lack of male presence.
“Where are the Guardians?” I cock my head, listening for the tread of heavy boots.
“They got a call. Left just before I came down.”
“Oh, that’s a bummer. Are they going to be back in time to go to the pier?”
“Oh, good question. Shoot.” Carmen runs her fingers through her hair. “Maybe we should take a raincheck on that and do wine and pizza on the roof?” She shrugs, unsure.
“We can always go to the pier later. I think wine and pizza are perfect. Besides, it’ll give Rosalie time to settle in and we can all get to know her better.”
“Wine it is.” Carmen looks around the room. “Where did they go?”
“I don’t know. Kaye mentioned a tour.” I glance up at the ceiling and my mind makes the climb all the way to our rooftop retreat. “You take the roof and I’ll take the basement? Meet in the middle?”
“Sounds great.” Carmen heads out, leaving me alone in my room.
Or rather, the room I now share with Kaye.
And for the next however long, we’ll be surrounded by gorgeous Guardians. One of which, I’m eager to get to know far better.
Note to self: Stash a box of condoms in the meditation room.
Not wanting to forget, I grab one of the several boxes I have stashed around the bedroom and make my way downstairs. There’s no sign of Kaye or Rosalie as I make my way through the converted garage that’s now a gym and head into the room we converted into a meditation space.
I stash the condoms, then sit on one of the cushions. While I’m here, why not meditate about Alec and whatever the hell I’m going to do about the Guardian who claimed me as his?
Bravo team got pulled awayfor a quick escort job, taking me away from getting to know Barbi better. Guardian HRS is setting up a new personal protection arm of the Guardians, Guardian Protectors, and evidently Chase, who was supposed to pick up his new client at the airport, got stuck behind a wreck on his way up from HQ.
We aren’t given details about the client, but the terrified woman we pick up at the gate gives me pause.
I hate, that in this world, women live in fear. Not knowing her special circumstances, other than WITSEC failed to keep her safe, I can’t help but wonder what, or who, she’s running from.
No one knew what flight she took, and we followed protocol after meeting her at the gate. Rafe and Hayes bought her a new wardrobe at one of the stores in the airport and we disposed of everything on her person. It’s the best way to eliminate the threat of trackers.
She should’ve come off the plane clean, but someone found her and trailed us from the airport. Zeb got to show off some of his skills as a driver, shaking a tail that should never have been there. We dropped her off with Chase, changing the location of our meet up en route, and I wish him well.