Page 27 of Rescuing Barbi

“I should probably…” She gestures toward the door before averting her gaze.

“Probably, what?” My voice remains thick with want for her. I don’t think it’s possible to get enough of this amazing woman.

“People are going to wonder…” she stammers, unwilling to complete her thought.

“Does it bother you if they know I fucked your brains out in here?” I’m intrigued by her sudden shyness. Barbi doesn’t strike me as someone who’s shy.

“Kaye already knows, but I don’t want to have a conversation about how we fucked in the bathroom while everyone else is moving Carmen and Rosalie in.”

“I think they’ll understand.” I fold my arms across my chest and watch as she scrambles to snatch her clothes off the floor. She hurriedly dresses as if ashamed of what we did.

“I don’t want them to know.”

“They’re going to know.”

“No. I mean about that last bit.” To my delight, the slightest pink dusts her cheeks.

Interesting. She doesn’t care if her friends know we fucked, but she needs to keep that last bit a secret. Not that we did anything close to resembling a power exchange. She’s nowhere ready for that kind of thing, but it’s good to know she’s not against a bit of rough sex.

I gaze fondly at Barbi as she struggles to pull her jeans on, hopping from foot to foot. The sight brings an amused smirk to my lips, though I refrain from offering assistance. I find the spectacle far too entertaining.

Once dressed, Barbi grabs my arm and lifts on tiptoe. “That was pretty hot.” She gazes up at me with appreciative eyes. Before she can run out on me, I take her by the arm and force her to look up at me.

“Want to know what it isn’t?” I can’t help the stern tone.

“What?” Her breathy tone is yet another signal of good things to come.

“This isn’t a throwaway fuck in a dirty bathroom at a club between strangers. I know your name; I know where you live. And I know something else as well.”

“Alec…” The pink in her cheeks reddens.

Her eyes widen as I step closer, speaking each word with conviction. “Don’t think for one second that I’m going to walk out of here without saying what needs to be said. This isn’t us scratching an itch.”

She meets my words with a nervous chuckle. “It was just a fuck.”

“No. You’re not getting away that easily. The time for running has come and gone.”

“That’s not…”

“I’m not done.”

“Look, let’s not make this more than it is. The sex is great. You’re great. But I don’t date. If you want to be fuck-buddies, I can do that, but I don’t do exclusive. I don’t…”

“Date.” I finish her sentence. “You’ve made that exceptionally clear.”

“I don’t want there to be any misunderstandings about what this is.” The way she cocks her left hip forward makes her look confident and like she couldn’t care less. But I know the truth, even if she’s too afraid to admit it.

“There’s no misunderstanding.” I place my finger under her chin, lifting her face to meet mine.

“Good.” She tries to turn away from me, but I stop her cold in her tracks.

“There’s no misunderstanding about what this is, and I want to make sure you understand exactly what this is going forward.”


“I have no intention of being your fuck-buddy.” I’m offended she thinks so little of me. “If any other man touches you while we’re together, I’ll cut off his balls and feed them to him.”

“That’s not…” Her lower lip trembles as she shrinks back from me.