“That’s not…” I hesitate and take in a breath.
“Not, what?”
“That’s not what that was.”
“Then what was it?”
“Just sex.”
He leans in, lips hovering a hairsbreadth from my ear. “You’re really going to stand here and tell me what happened between us was just a fuck?”
“That’s all it was supposed to be.” I turn my head away from him, but there’s no escaping the pounding in my chest. But he’s right. Somehow, it was more.
The man is sex on a stick and has a magical dick. He’s got the heady, alpha-male-dominant vibe going strong. It’s intoxicating. Intimidating. And everything I desire in a man.
“At least we cleared that up.” His lips curl into a mischievous grin. Following that with a wink, makes my heart flutter, and leaves me wanting more.
“Cleared up what?” I can barely get the words out of my mouth as he flashes that devastating smirk at me. I fight the urge to collapse against him in a puddle of desire while my insides twist with anticipation.
“We agree it was far more than a fuck.” His deep-blue eyes bore into mine.
“That’s not what I said.” I raise my chin in defiance, hoping he can’t see how badly I want him. My entire body itches to touch him and to be touched by him.
“You said it was supposed to be—which means it was more.” His heated breath caresses my cheek, making me shiver. His eyebrows lift in challenge, sending my heart racing against my ribcage. “I haven’t been able to stop thinking about that night, and that’s not like me.”
“You’re putting words in my mouth and twisting what I said.” My body heats at a touch that isn’t a touch. So far, Alec doesn’t lay a hand on me, but he cages me in against the wall, leaving me with no retreat.
“Am I? All I’m trying to do is clear things up.” Tiny electric shocks dance against my skin, making me gasp for air.
“There’s nothing to clear up. It was just a one-night stand.” Every part of me wants to touch him, but my mind cautions restraint. “No names. Just sex.”
“I remember that.” He leans in, so close his lips almost touch mine. “But for the record, that wasn’t a one-night stand.”
Talk about a panty-melting voice. My insides twist and pulse with need.
“It was…” My voice hitches as I avert my gaze, unable to hide the truth I feel on a cellular level.
It was far more, but I can’t let it be anything more. I try to stand firm. I pretend he has no effect on me, though his mere presence is enough to send my heart racing faster than a runaway freight train.
That one night should’ve been just another casual encounter—at least, it would’ve been if Alec hadn’t shown up at my doorstep. Now, all I can think about is climbing his body like a cat in heat.
“Tell me you don’t feel the air crackling between us? Tell me, and I’ll walk away. Tell me you haven’t thought about me, and I’ll leave. Tell me you don’t ache for me. That you haven’t ached for me the way I ache for you. Tell me and I’m gone. I’ll never bother you again. I’ll walk right out of your life.”
This is it. This is my out. All I have to do is—lie.
My lips part to speak, but before any words come out, he holds up a finger, warning me he will accept nothing but the absolute truth.
“But if you’ve thought of me. If you’ve ached for me. If you feel the air crackling with the heat between us…” He pauses, searching my face for answers before finishing softly. “Then for the love of all that’s holy, put me out of my misery.” The way his eyes plead for an honest answer, gives me pause. “But whatever you do, don’t lie. Don’t you lie to me and don’t lie to yourself. You want this.”
“I wouldn’t lie to you.” My skin pricks with sensation, sending sparks of electrical signals racing through my body.
He leans in close. Our noses are mere fractions of an inch apart, but he’s careful not to touch me. His eyes smolder with heat and desire. If I move a fraction of an inch, our noses will bump. Our lips will meet. Our breaths will mingle into something raw and carnal.
If that happens, my heart will trip and stumble.
And this is why Alec is dangerous.
It’s not because of the intense attraction I feel for him. It’s because I know if I let myself get any closer to him, there’ll be no turning back. For a one-time fuck in the bathroom of a bar, my heart has no business in this at all. But it’s already ensnared.