“You studied it?” No matter how hard I try, I can’t suppress a chuckle.
“Don’t laugh,” she mutters at me, but it’s all in fun.
“Not laughing, but it’s kind of a weird thing to study. Most people tend to fumble their way through it.” I try to be sympathetic, but I can’t get rid of the image of Barbi on a hunt forHow Not To Gag While Giving Good Head.”
“I didn’t have any real friends in high school. People hung out with me because I had money and they didn’t. So I didn’t have anyone I could trust to ask those kinds of questions.”
“Fake friends?”
“As fake as they come. The point is…” She takes in a deep breath. “The point is, I had nobody to ask, and already decided I was going to blow Tommy Deacon on prom night. He had a reputation for being a player, and I was tired of being a virgin. Figured I’d blow him and he’d relieve me of the burden of my virginity.”
“Where did the hitting the books come in regarding your gag reflex?”
“Not books, but the search bar. Google is a girl’s best friend. I practiced on bananas, cucumbers, pretty much anything phallic I could get my hands on. One of my friends was always bragging about how her boyfriend loved the way she deep throated. That seemed to be the bar to aim for. It was all I could think about. So I looked it up, found some tips, and practiced.”
“You sound like a very determined individual.”
“It’s my nature.”
I give a nod for her confidence and she smiles back.
“To deep throat?” I ask with a smirk and chuckle when she rolls her eyes. I can’t help but laugh. “As a recipient of the outcome of such hard work, for what it’s worth, I applaud your studies.”
“Of course, you do,” she mocks playfully. “Men love blow jobs.”
“We like eating pussy too,” I add impishly. My gaze lingers on her face. “It goes both ways.”
“I noticed that, and thank you, by the way.” Her words are sincere, and I give her a tender smile, loving the way she opens up to me.
“Thank you?” My brows knit together as I parse what she’s saying.
“For seeing to my pleasure first.”
I inch closer and whisper my reply. “Ah, magic words of praise. You are most welcome. It is truly my pleasure to pleasure you.” I lean in close, bumping against her. “Need a bit of a pick me up now? Because I’m willing…”
“I bet you are. And I most definitely am, but I don’t think we can just disappear to get our rocks off.”
“Never challenge a Guardian.”
“Is that so?”
“Absolutely. I demolish challenges for a living.”
She doesn’t bite, much to my chagrin, but I get her point. We should stay on the roof with the others. To leave would be rude. Especially since Forest Summers is here.
That man is a myth, a legend, and so much more.
“I suppose I should thank your father’s porn collection.” Barbi’s tone remains playful and teasing. I can’t help but smile back at her.
“Definitely an education, but I learned all the cool stuff in the stories. They could write stuff they couldn’t show in the photos.”
“I’m sure they could.”
“So, are you going to ask me?”
“How old I was when I had my first kiss?” I lean in again, until we’re practically touching noses, then pause.