Page 31 of Rescuing Barbi

“Why would it? We had sex and that was it.”

“His entire body tensed when he saw you standing on the curb.”

“Tensed? What the hell does that mean?”

“It means the moment he laid eyes on you he went from relaxed to—not relaxed.”

“What happened to guys not gossiping?” I roll my eyes for effect. “They’re like a bunch of hens in the henhouse, jabbering on about stuff they shouldn’t.”

“That may be, but you gotta tell me if it’s going to be a problem.”


“Because…” Carmen tugs at her ear. “It’s just…”

“Oh, come on. Spit it out.”

“Rafe and Hayes, and Guardian Command, aren’t happy Rosalie and I left headquarters. They say things aren’t finished with my father and we still need protection.”

“If that’s the case, why didn’t you stay at HQ?”

“Because they were suffocating us, and this is the first time Rosalie’s ever been out of Nicaragua. She’s eager to explore and you can’t do that locked inside HQ.”

“Wow. I’m surprised they aren’t providing 24/7 security.”

“Well, that’s the thing, and why I’m asking about Alec.”

“What do you mean?”

“Bravo team is providing security here, and itisgoing to be 24/7. Alec’s on that rotation, meaning he’s going to be around at least once a week, maybe more. If it’s going to be an issue, I can have him taken off rotation.”

“He’s going to be here?” With my hands full, I’m left using my chin to point. Not that I point in any particular direction, but Carmen gets it.

“Here. In the house. They’ll be staying on the couch, but you know… He’ll be here.”

“I’m a big girl. I can handle it.”

“You’re sure it’s okay?”


Although I’m going to have to figure out a better place to fuck. Alec’s deliciously aggressive and that kind of aggressive sex makes a lot of noise. I don’t think that poor bathroom door can handle the beating, and with Kaye and me sharing a room, the bedroom is most definitely out of the question.

Fortunately, we have exactly what I need in the basement. It’s a soundproofed room I use for meditation. The perfect place for fucking and—if I ever get brave enough—exploration of some of those fantasies he mentioned.

“Shit.” My eyes widen when I realize I’ve already made a decision about Alec. I’m totally keeping him around.

Fuck me.

I’m totally screwed. Literally and figuratively, but I’m more worried about the figurative half of that equation.

“What?” Carmen leans in, brows bunched together.

“Never mind. I’ll let Kaye know.” I bypass a very confused Carmen on the stairs as I rush the armload of clothes back down to my—our—room.

To my relief, Alec isn’t there, but Kaye and Zeb are. I hear them talking from the hall. Speaking in hushed, intimate tones.

Now, isn’t this exactly what Kaye needs? I called dibs on my very own Guardian, but she’s welcome to have Zeb. I wonder how I can steer her to him?