Page 73 of Rescuing Kaye

“Well, there you go.” Mitzy wrangles our attention back to the front of the room. “So, here’s what you can expect. My team is going to build out a package around Scott. While we’re doing that, Zeb and the rest of Bravo are going to work with you and your roomies on basic self-defense. We’ll provide basic personal safety tips every woman should know. Our job is to leverage what we discover regarding Scott to neutralize the threat he poses. Once that’s done, you and your besties will be cut loose. Any questions?” Like always, Mitzy speaks a mile a minute. It’s a wonder Kaye keeps up at all, but she nods with understanding.

“Well, I really appreciate it, and I’m kind of excited to poke around HQ.”

“Girl, there are so many cool places to poke around here. You come find me tomorrow and I’ll give you the backstage exclusive, one-of-a-kind tour.” Mitzy glances at me and winks. “We’re going to have a ton of fun.”

After introductions are done, we’re excused. I’m a bit confused, to be honest. I thought there would be a lot more about Scott discussed, but it seems as if Mitzy’s not ready, which is odd. Mitzy’s always got something to say. Maybe they found something they didn’t want Kaye to know?

I walk Kaye back to her lodging, holding her hand the entire way. We stop outside the building. If I go inside, I won’t have enough restraint to leave.

“I really appreciate everything you’re doing for me.” Kaye spins around to face me. She takes my hands in hers and gives a little squeeze.

“You’re worth it.”

“I’m incredibly lucky to have you.”

I offer her a small smile. “Well, I hope you sleep easy tonight. You’re safe. He can’t hurt you.”

“Thanks. That means the world to me.”

Scott’s been a problem for too long. I’m happy I have the resources to help her. Not many women have that.

“We’ll figure this out together. You don’t have to suffer alone anymore.”

She smiles back at me, then glances at the building. “Will you walk me to my door?”

“I thought I’d stop here.”


“Because, if I go inside, I may not have the strength to leave.”

“If I promise to keep my hands to myself, do you think you could stay a bit longer? I-I’m not ready to be alone, especially in a place I don’t know.”

“You’re not the one I’m worried about.”

“I’m sure you can keep your hands to yourself.” She gives a timid smile. “Let me put it like this, so we get it out in the open.”

“Sure?” I’m not really certain what she wants to say, but I’ll play along.

“You make me feel things I’ve never felt before.”


“I feel like I’ve known you my entire life. There’s chemistry between us. I never knew what that meant until I met you.”

“I feel it too.” I rock back on my heels and shove my hands deep into my pockets.

“It’s not a stretch to say things will progress.”


“Don’t make me say it.”

“Why not? I love watching you blush.”

“You’re horrible. I’m trying to have a moment here.”

“Okay. Sorry.” I wipe the grin from my face and give her my full attention. “You were saying things will progress?”