Page 62 of Rescuing Kaye

“Looks good.” I’m not against this plan, but then Hayes taps me on the shoulder.

“It’s in the camera’s line of sight.” Hayes gestures toward the street. “This won’t work.”

“Shit.” I drag my hand down my face. “Alternatives?”

We rejoin the others, who lounge on the patio furniture, trying to make it look like the six of us came up here to enjoy the afternoon.

“The tree is a no-go.” I hate giving bad news, but we’ll find another way.

“So that’s not an option?” Kaye’s face pales when I give her the news.

“It’s too risky if Scott is watching.” I scan the street and rooftops, searching for some other way out. “Any other ideas?”

Then Hayes claps his hands. “I got it. We rig a rope here and connect it to that building.” He points directly behind the townhouse. With the hill sloping downward at an insane angle found only in San Francisco, the roofline is below this one. “We swing her across. If there’s another camera out back, it won’t be pointed up, but at the courtyard below.”

“What?” Kaye’s face is a mixture of fear and more fear. Her face pales and her eyes widen. “You want me to do what?”

“A zip line from here to the other house?” I cross my arms and think it through.

The best option would be for Carmen and Rosalie to leave with the guys. Kaye could then walk down the street, just as she would when going to meet Scott. Only, I refuse to leave her alone, and no way in hell am I walking with her. I don’t want to give Scott any reason to punish Kaye; in the unlikely event he gets his hands on her.

Which means, we need a plan B.

“I’m game if you are,” Hayes offers encouragement. “We just need someone to set the anchor on the other roof.”

“That should be Zeb.” Rafe points at me.

“I was going to stay and talk her through it.” I don’t like separating like this.

Rafe raises his hand. “Which I would normally agree with, but our pattern over these past weeks is for only one of us to stand guard. Since Hayes and I just arrived, you’re relieved of your shift. Go out the front door, saunter down the street, make it look like you’re done for the day. Hayes and I will get her set up and talk her through it. Once the two of you are back together, we’ll pick you up. Then the four of us will leave on our presumed trip. It’ll look like Kaye’s still here.”

“No need. My motorcycle is parked down the street.” I drove it over last night, never realizing we’d find ourselves in this situation. “Which works. I drive off. The five of you hang on the roof. We set the anchors, send Kaye to me, and we’ll ride back to HQ. Scott will have no reason to think Kaye isn’t still inside.”

I don’t like leaving Kaye behind, but this makes better sense than climbing the tree.

“And, since Hayes and I were working the rock wall at HQ when Brady called…” Rafe rubs his hands together in anticipation. “We happen to have the rope and the harness she needs. This is totally doable.”

“Harness?” Kaye takes a deep breath and exhales slowly. “I don’t know about this.”

“Do you trust us?” Hayes offers his most comforting smile.

“Yes,” she answers without hesitation.

“Then you know we won’t let anything happen to you.” Rafe looks pleased with himself.

I nod in agreement as I step forward and put a hand on her shoulder. “If you’re ready, let’s do this.”

“Is there any other way?”

“We’ve done this a thousand times with people in far worse shape than you, and we haven’t lost one yet. Besides, you’re in the best hands, and it’s perfectly safe. I trust these guys with my life, and they’ll make sure you’re safer than safe.”

“I guess.” She looks up at me with a flash of fear in her eyes.

“I’ll be with you every step of the way. Okay?”

“Okay.” She nods and squares her shoulders. “Let’s do this before I lose my nerve.”

Rafe, Hayes, and I quickly get to work rigging the zip line. It takes creativity to get the anchor rope set on the other roof, but we figure it out after a few false starts.