Page 19 of That Next Moment

Royally screwed.

The instant her skin touched mine, I was screwed. Every memory, every touch, every kiss came flooding back into my brain the moment I saw her. I missed the feeling of her hand in mine. I didn’t know how much I missed her. All the feelings I had forced out for so many years crept their way back up, and I had to sit and smile and pretend like everything was perfect.

“So, Clay.” Ophelia’s soft voice pulled me back to the dinner table. Madeline had made stuffed pasta shells, serving them with salad and breadsticks, our own personal Italian restaurant right in her dining room. “You’re here for the entire summer?”

I nodded. “Yep, right until after the wedding,” I replied, stating a very obvious lie.

“Clay’s staying here while we go on our honeymoon. He’s going to watch Niko,” Madeline said, not even looking up from her plate.

Ophelia’s face froze, and she slowly turned to look at Madeline. Madeline raised her eyebrows and clenched her teeth at Ophelia trying to show a smile. Ophelia’s glare was one I had seen before when I had forgotten to tell her a detail or two, one that saidwhat. . . the. . . hell?Ophelia had no idea I was watching Maddy’s dog.

“Oh, really?” Ophelia looked at me, her wine glass gently hitting her bottom lip.

I inhaled and nodded, forcing my eyes to connect with hers and not focus on her lips. “Well, someone has to look after the big doofus. We’ll have fun, won’t we, Niko?” As if on command, Niko barked from his bed. He was a well-trained dog, no begging from him in the slightest, but the sound of his name got some reaction. I turned and reached out my hand. Niko came up and hit his nose to my palm before giving my wrist a small lick.

“Niko, place,” Madeline said sternly, and the husky went back to his pad, sitting only to watch us intently.

“Will Niko be with you at Milo’s place?” Ophelia asked, a stern tone lingering in the back of her throat.

“Nope,” Milo answered for me. “School will be starting by then. Hannah agreed to stay there with Holly while Madeline and I are in Colorado.”

“Oh my gosh, you guys. We haven't told you about Marble. . .” Madeline began, clapping her hands together in front of her.

Ophelia, however, didn't let her friend talk. She instantly looked at me and spoke. “And after the dog sitting, back toSeattle?” Ophelia asked.

I furrowed my brow and nodded.What is she getting at?“Back home,” I answered. “What about you, Phe? Back to New York?” I shoved a stuffed shell in my mouth, biting off a little more than I could chew, with dinner and with Ophelia.

Her eyes hit me like a dagger at the use of her nickname, and I had to stop myself from choking. In college, I was the one who started calling her Phe in the first place, and when Madeline began to call her the same, it stuck. That was what I called her as we danced, when we kissed, and when we were curled up together in between the sheets. She was always Phe.MyPhe.

“Don’t call me Phe, and yes,” she hit back, “seeing as my business is in New York, my apartment is in New York, and my entire life is in New York, yes, Clayton, I will be returning to New York. I’ll get a hotel while you’re staying here with Niko.”

“When do you leave? I’m sure we can be adult enough to stay in the same house for a day or two.” I stabbed another piece of pasta with my fork. “And I’ve always called you Phe.”

The idea that Ophelia and I may be staying under the same roof brought excitement to my dull little life, but the glare and disdain on her face told me she would not be falling for that. I put two and two together. She had no idea I would be staying here for a week.

Ophelia rolled her shoulders and exhaled. “I leave the Monday after. I wanted to give myself time to organize and pack, but it looks like I’ll be doing that from a hotel room now, and no, you are not allowed to call mePhe.”

“Why not?” I demanded, my voice harsher than it really needed to be.Stand down. . .

“Because, Clay, that nickname is for people I love and consider family, which obviously isn't you.”

“I’m just trying to be nice and friendly, to start a conversation and try to be normal.” I dropped my fork with a clink on my plate.

“Nothing here is normal, Clay. The only reason I’m sitting at this table with you is for my best friend and her fiancé. You just happen to be a part of the deal too.”

“This is all because I called you Phe?” I rested an elbow on the table, leaning in toward her just enough to feel her fire.

“Do not call me. . . Phe.” Her voice softened as she said her nickname. She took a deep breath and sat back in her chair with so much force that the chair slightly moved under her weight.

I pursed my lips and didn't respond. She was getting irritated, and the more I pushed, tried to make things as normal as possible, the more upside down they would get. I had to remind myself that I was the one who messed up. I was the one who ruined what could have been.

“Ok, you two,” Madeline stopped us. “I really wanna tell you about the honeymoon we have planned. . .”

“Now's not a good time, Maddy.” Ophelia pushed back her chair, dropped her napkin on the table next to her plate, and walked out of the house, slamming the door behind her with abang.

I sighed and looked at Milo and Madeline across the table, both giving me a death glare, one to kill you on the spot.

“What?” I asked, as if I didn’t know.