Page 12 of That Next Moment

Carter, as expected, waited for me. I guess that was kind of nice. Maybe he wasn’t too bad.

“I already called myself an Uber, Miss Fuller. I plan on sticking to the hotel tonight, but you’ll call me in the morning, right?” Carter didn’t even look up from his phone as we made our way toward the baggage claim.Oh, maybe not.

“I will. Thanks, Carter. Have a good night at the hotel. Where are you staying again?”


Ah, fancy.

And with that, he was gone. He disappeared into the crowd as I made my way to the baggage claim. Soon, I saw Madeline’s auburn hair bounce up and down, a smile on her face as she radiated joy. Next to Madeline stood Jamie, her wavy strawberry blonde hair dancing as she shook her head at Madeline.

Madeline couldn’t contain herself anymore. As soon as I got closer, she ran and wrapped her arms around my neck.

“Phe!” she screamed in my ear. “You’re here! You’re here! And for the entire summer!”

“I’m here,” I repeated. “But won’t be for long if you keep squeezing me.” I chuckled, yanking myself away from Madeline’s grip.

“I told her to keep her cool. She was basically dancing in the car. I couldn’t tell you how many red lights we ran,” Jamie said, her voice sweet and soft as she approached. “I’m Jamie, by the way. I’m really excited to finally meet you. I mean, I know we’ve met over FaceTime, but in person is totally different.” Jamie stuck out her hand for me to shake, but instead, I pulled her in for a hug.

“I’ve heard so many great things about you, Jamie.” I held her at arm's length and took her in. She was naturally beautiful with a hint of spunk. My mind instantly went to what color dress she would be wearing at the wedding. “I’m making our dresses too, right?”

“Of course,” Madeline answered.

“You’re making my dress?” Jamie asked with a smile. “Maddy, please tell me I’m not wearing teal or yellow.”

“You know Milo and I don’t have certain colors.” Madeline turned her back to us and went to the baggage carousel. “Same bag as always, Phe?”

I nodded to her question. “What’s for dinner, Maddy?”

She turned back to the luggage and leaned forward once she found my bag to pull it off the carousel. “We can go out, or we can order in. You must be tired after traveling. Milo is working tonight, so he will be out late and then he's just going to his place.”

“A night in actually sounds relaxing. We can order Chinese and drink wine. Just like college.”

“Except there will be a giant husky in the way. I doubt you had one in college.” Jamie laughed.

“Yeah, but he’s a good boy. We love Niko,” Madeline sang.

“Miss Fuller!”

I spun as I heard my name. Carter came rushing through the crowd again, his bag in his hand and phone to his ear. I rolled my eyes and watched as he got closer and closer to me.

“JoAnn would like you to check in with her as soon as you get to your hotel. I mean, your friend's house.” Carter looked at Madeline. “She’s been trying to reach you.”

“Hi.” Madeline smiled at Carter. “I’m Madeline. Are you the man who’s going to be photographing everything?”

Carter took Madeline’s hand and shook it lightly, remaining silent.

“Maddy, this is Carter, the social media guru and photographer extraordinaire that JoAnn hired.” I waved to Carter, assuring him that I would check in as soon as I was able. Tomorrow.

“Nice to meet you, Carter.” Madeline smiled as she released his hand, pulling it away sheepishly as he looked up and nodded at her, a faint smile spreading across his lips.

“Nice to meet you. Miss Fuller, we’ll talk tomorrow.” He nodded again, as if that was the only motion that man knew, and turned to catch his Uber.

Shaking my head, I turned back to the girls. “Well, shall we?”

I sent JoAnn a quick text, letting her know I arrived safely, and after a quick phone call with her going over another fine detail that was added to the plan, I joined Jamie and Madeline in the kitchen. We had ordered Chinese, and the wine bottles were already opened and on the counter, the three glasses waiting to be filled.

“So, what’s on the agenda for the next few months?” I asked, grabbing a bottle of white to fill my glass.