Page 98 of The Chase

“I have to go,” Rafe said, returning. “Someone has broken into the Perez garage. It sounds like there has been some damage.”

“What?” I gasped. “Do you want me to come with you?”

“I can go,” Blake said.

Rafe should his head. “No, please, you all stay here; finish your evening. I’ll let you know what’s going on. Carlos is already on his way there, so we don’t need an entourage.” To Blake, he added, “Are you going to be able to get back to the hotel?”

“Devin or I will bring him,” I said.

I walked my brother to the door and returned to find Devin on the phone. He had received yet another call. I guessed the time for social niceties was over.

“Why don’t we clean up here,” Blake suggested.

“Good idea,” I said, waving Devin away from the table. He wandered into the living room and collapsed on the sofa, talking to someone about a party he’d missed.

“Is that story true about the opera singer?” Blake asked, helping me carry the dishes into the kitchen.

“He wouldn’t say it if it could be disproved,” I said, filling the sink with warm soapy water. “I’ve heard of Leda Assante, but I have no idea if she ever lived in this house. Besides, he wouldn’t lie about something like that.”

“I must admit, he did catch me.”

“Why must you taunt him?”

“I enjoy it.”

I washed and Blake dried. Despite everything that had happened in the last few months, it felt comfortable. I hated that I liked him, but I did.

“I wonder what all your fans would think if they knew you dried dishes.”

“I’m a normal human being.”

“I sometimes wonder if you drivers are normal.”

“We do things every other person does.”

“The average person doesn’t get lavished by attention and treated like a god.”

I put away the clean dishes and showed Blake the house. Devin was still on the phone, joking and laughing. He barely noticed us walk around the house and then into the backyard. When we reentered the house, Devin was still on the phone but was speaking in his horrible Italian. I quickly realized it was a new phone call.

“I should be getting back to my hotel,” Blake said. He glanced at Devin. “I can call a cab.”

“I’ll get my keys,” I said, glaring at Devin. He stuck his tongue out at me and continued his call. “I’m driving Blake back to his hotel, say goodbye.”

“Goodbye, Carlton,” he said.

On the drive back, we kept the conversation very light and professional. We spoke of the upcoming season and how much he was looking forward to driving with Perez.

“Thank you for this evening,” he said as I pulled up to the hotel. “I would hate to think we were on bad terms with one another since you will be my boss next year.”

I laughed. “I agree.”

He kissed my cheek and then leaned in a little closer and his lips lightly brushed mine. “I’ll see you soon,” he said and exited the car.



“Ihate this fucking country!” Devin declared as we drove to our hotel in Budapest. Devin had been detained at customs for two hours while officials searched his belongings and then searched him. He’d been mistaken for someone else, apparently, and the authorities simply wouldn’t believe who he was.