Page 3 of The Chase

“Ask him,” Carlton said, and this time, he wasn’t smug about it.

“You could tell me, and then it would be over with.”

He shook his head. “You should hear it from him.”

A heavy and hard pit had grown in my stomach, but I was directing my ire at Blake. “Who are you to spread rumors like that?”

“I’ll tell you this. She was an English model, and poor Charlotte thought Flynn would marry her. He had other ideas.”

“Why are you doing this?”

“Because I have a little theory. I kept asking myself over and over again, why would a professional womanizer like Devin Flynn suddenly, and out of the blue, decide to settle down? What was so special about this woman to stop him from sticking his dick in any pussy he could find? Was she a model that no one else could land? Was she a beautiful movie actress that would give him the attention he craved? No, it turns out she’s a dark-haired girl with a famous last name and a bigger bank account than he could ever dream of having. You’re probably making him millions and you don’t even know it. Fame and fortune just had to find themselves somewhere in the equation.”

Had he just insulted me? Too many thoughts were racing through my head. “You don’t know him the way I do,” I spat. “He loves me.”

“Especially your last name.”

My eyes flew up to his. I was furious now, and my whole body was shaking. “Don’t you think it’s possible that after he got to know this dark-haired girl, he discovered how nice she was and how much she adored him? Is it not possible to fathom that maybe he was sick and tired of his player days and wanted to settle down into a serious relationship?”

Carlton looked at me for a moment. “No, I don’t think it’s possible,” he said just above a whisper. “And I think it would be very naïve of that dark-haired beauty to think that.”

“You’re wrong,” I said in a level voice.

Carlton shrugged. “I’ve known Flynn for a lot longer than you have. I’ve been to the same lounges and clubs he frequents. And it always ends up the same. The guy has a score sheet a mile long. He’s with you for a reason, and it’s all about you being a Perez. If he could, he’d marry you and change his name!”

“And your motivation for telling me all this?”

“If, after all I’ve said, you finally realize what an opportunist this guy is, call me,” he said. “I can show you what a true gentleman is.”

I turned my back on him and I left the motorhome without another word.



After dinner out with my brother and some of the racing crew, I returned to the hotel room I shared with Devin. Initially, we’d been cautious not to spend too much time together on race weekends, but Leonardo Martini had all but given his blessing. If the owner of Devin’s team didn’t mind our relationship, that was enough for me. I no longer felt it necessary to sneak around in the middle of the night to get back to my hotel room or vice versa, though I still kept a hotel room just in case.

Devin was relaxing on the bed with an Italian newspaper. It usually took him an hour to read a paragraph. I had to give him credit for trying to learn the language, but eventually, he would give up and ask me to translate and read it aloud. I’d asked him one evening where he’d learned Italian. At first, he was reluctant to spill, but when he did, the answer hadn’t surprised me, and part of me was sorry I’d asked.

“Her name was Teresa. We met at one of the races. She was there to get noticed, and I noticed her,” he had said as if proud of his achievement.

I kicked off my sneakers and changed out of my clothes and into an oversized Perez shirt and a pair of shorts. I brushed my teeth as Blake Carlton’s words floated through my head. Did I ask? Did I want to know?

Devin had been saying something, and maybe he noticed that I hadn’t been listening. He turned onto his side and propped up his head as he watched me in the bathroom.

“You okay?”

I forced a smile. “I’m fine.”

“What did Carlton want?” he asked.

Had he been reading my mind? “You heard about that?” I was wiping the last of my makeup off. I used to wear almost nothing, but my best friend, Jess, had stepped in and told me that I needed to up my game now that people had taken notice of me. So she sent a care package of various foundations, blushes, BB creams, CC creams, liners, and mascaras. She had a friend give me a tutorial, and now I was wearing more makeup than a news anchor.

“Everyone heard about it. Did he hit on you? He hit on you, right?”

“No. Why would you say that?” I asked with irritation as I stepped out of the bathroom. I rifled through my small luggage for a book I’d brought along. I wanted as little conversation with Devin as possible until I sorted out all that had gone on with Blake.

“He hits on anything that moves. He has no shame.”