“Thank you, amore.” Since I have another moment without Coleman around, I ask her a question, “Do you always work this late?”


“It’s not safe.” The lack of protection irks me more than it should, although I don’t know this woman, and never have I given a shit about anyone else or their lives before.

“It’s what I must do.” Her emphasis on must concerns me. There are other jobs, so there’s got to be a bigger fucking reason.

“For your child?” I would kill the bastard that put his seed in her. A baby with those beautiful green tiger eyes. My hands ball into fists as I ready myself for murder.

“Do I look like I’ve had a baby?” She gasps like I’ve insulted her. No, but I’m suddenly insanely jealous of this imaginary man and innocent child. I wouldn’t harm the kid, but daddy would be a goner.

“No, it’s just that no one would do this job in the late hours for just the money. There are safer jobs.”

“I’m in college, and no children—only a sister who doesn’t need to stress.”

I stand, leaving the coffee untouched and dropping a hundred on the table. Leaning in close, I say, “You give too much away, amore.”

She opens and closes her mouth several times to say something smart. Instead, she wisely chooses to bite her tongue. “Good girl. That dress is too damn tight. It’s no wonder this place is busier than the damn strip club.”

I walk to the register with my little May trailing behind me, and I ding the bell a dozen times, getting the patrons’ attention. “The diner is closed. Get your shit, pay your bill, tip your waitress, and get the fuck out.”

“You can’t do…” She stops mid-sentence when she notices the gun under my suit jacket.

“Amore, ring them up. Call it a night and get some rest. You need it.” She’s stressed, and it shows. As sexy as my future queen is, her eyes are tired and her shoulders are tense. I want to reach out and massage them, but I can’t show my hand too soon.

First, I have to deal with Coleman who could have cameras watching this place. Second, she’s too scared for what I have planned to snatch her pretty ass up tonight and make her my wife. Besides, I need to know more about her. I want the upper hand, so I can use it to make her submit.

One by one, the customers drop off the money at the tables, hurrying out, others coming to the counter. I stand and watch quietly, the silent threat greater than waving my gun around.

As the last customer walks out, she says, “My boss is probably in his office right now and will be pissed.”

Tapping her chin, I add, “Amore, your boss saw my vehicle and split. I suppose I’ll have to look for him elsewhere.”

I walk out to an empty restaurant and turn the sign to closed, smiling as I do.

Luca’s waiting for me, standing outside the vehicle. “I didn’t hear any gunfire, but they scattered like you shot up the place,” he says with a smirk.

“Let’s just say I closed the restaurant early.”

“Nice work, boss. Teach that prick to hide from you.” He’s right because I have no fucking patience for little bitches dodging me, but it’s not why I shut the place down. He was working my queen to the bone.

Chapter Two


My heart races as I head out of the restaurant two hours after the brooding man in a suit came in and sent everyone running. Who he was and why he sent everyone scrambling is a complete mystery, but I’m sure it had to do with my boss not showing up.

That man was something I’ve never seen before. Tall, dark, handsome, and so much more with an extremely dangerous element to him. I was terrified and aroused. Neither are appropriate when I’m at work, and a man like him isn’t the right person for me. Ever.

I chant those words like they’re my mantra as I make my way back to the apartment I share with my sister, June, and my best friend, January. They are my family and my rocks; we share everything about our lives, but I have no intention of telling them about tonight.

I can’t. I won’t. My sister’s already worried about all that I’ve done for her over the years. She’s just finished high school and I’ve been taking care of her since our parents died a few years ago. It hasn’t been easy, but with January’s help we’ve made it work.

Plus, January has started digging into my boss, wondering if there’s a scoop about his little poker games he hosts once a month. That’s tomorrow night, so the diner closes early which means a shorter, earlier shift. Although given the fact that the guy in the suit came looking for him, I doubt he’ll be having the game tomorrow.