I turned on the spot, putting my back to the pool and my face to the sea.
My heart tugged me to go home.
Chapter Eight
(Love in Zulu: Uthando)
TEDDY: SO I FEEL A LITTLE STRANGE messaging a complete stranger just because my sister told me to, but she assured me that you’re cool and I wouldn’t come across as creepy. So...if you’re cool and don’t find this creepy, message me back sometime. I have questions about your comment to Honey about living under the sea.
“Oh my God!” I looked up from my phone, shoving it under Aslan’s nose. “Read this.”
“Bloody hell, not so close, Neri.” He winced and pushed my arm away, focusing on the text from a readable distance. His eyes scanned the message before closing again as he reclined against the beach towels we’d spread over the deck of The Fluke.
“Have I told you how sexy I find you using our local curses?”
He smirked. “You like it, huh? How about I start using the word strewth?” He chuckled. “Or how about fair dinkum and dipstick?”
I fanned myself dramatically. “Crikey, you better stop. I’m burning up over here.”
He laughed loudly. “You’re insatiable.”
“For you...absolutely.”
He grinned and tossed a vein-roped forearm over his eyes. His carved belly flexed as he held in another chuckle. The bulge between his legs filled his black boardshorts far too temptingly, and the little trail of darkness running from his belly button and disappearing below made my mouth water. His dark-brown hair had given up fighting the sun, turning bronze-tinted on the ends, making his coal-black eyes all the more intense.
“So...what do you think?” I asked, rereading Teddy’s message. “He sounds super lovely.”
“I think you probably shouldn’t show me texts from other guys.” He raised his arm, glowering at me. “Are you forgetting that I have a minor problem controlling my temper when it comes to keeping you safe, canim? How do you know he’s not going to hurt you?”
“He’s Honey’s older brother. I’ve mentioned him before. He’s gay.”
“Doesn’t mean he won’t still fall in love with you.”
“Oh, that’s almost certainly going to happen.”
“Wait, what?” He sat up, his forehead furrowed. “Does he have a death wish?”
“According to Honey, he falls for people all the time. As friends, Aslan. It’s his thing. It’s his and Honey’s thing. They’re both adorable and love to love. What can I say? He sounds like he has a big heart and likes to use it.”
“A heart I’ll wrench out of his chest if he suddenly decides to steal you from me.”
“Pretty sure he’s mostly married. Honey mentioned his boyfriend is called Edmund.”
Aslan’s lips turned up, fighting a smile. “Unfortunate.”
“What? Why?” I frowned. “What’s wrong with—”
“Teddy and Eddie? They sound like a two-person boy band.”
“Oh my God, you’re seriously bad.” I snickered, opening a new screen to text Teddy back. “You’re going to hell.”
“Only if you’re coming with me.” He lay back down again. “Because even the devil himself won’t be able to keep me down there if you’re floating around in heaven.”
Forgetting all about my phone, I crawled over him, straddling his hips and sitting down in the perfect spot.
I grinded against his cock, making his eyes fly wide. “Fuck.” Wildfire blazed through his stare. His tongue shot out, licking his bottom lip, making it glisten in the sun. “Again, Neri?”
“Again, Aslan.” I kissed him.
His hands clamped onto my bikini-clad hips, pulling me down even harder on his rapidly swelling erection. “You’re draining me dry.”
“I don’t care.” I sucked his tongue into my mouth, shutting him up.
Flipping me over onto my back, he wedged his hips between mine, rocking against me indecently. “How will we go back to being respectable when your parents come home?”
Wriggling my hand between us, I undid one side of my golden bikini and tore the Velcro of his boardshorts apart. “We might as well just stay naked and avoid everyone. I think we’re ruined for life.”
“Beni mahvetmekten fazlasini yaptin, beni bedenen ve ruhen tükettin.” He hissed like a viper as my hand dove into the dark heat of his boardshorts and fisted his thick, impressive length.
Licking his bottom lip, I murmured, “What did you say?”
“You expect me to remember words when your hand is around my cock?”
“Tell me.” I pumped him, brushing my thumb over his pre-cum slippery crown. “You can’t whisper something naughty in Turkish and then not tell me. That’s like denying me an orgasm.”
He groaned so low, so black, the sound rumbled through my bones, making me wetter than the sea all around us. “It wasn’t naughty. But I can oblige if you want.”
“What. Did. You. Say?” I fisted him harder, making his muscles twitch.
“I think...I think I said...you’ve done more than just ruin me, you’ve consumed me body and soul.”
“My evil plan is working then.” I smiled as he kissed me deep. I moaned as his tongue plunged inside, hunting mine, forcing me to yield and submit. We lost ourselves to the kiss for a while, our bodies undulating, our tongues tangling, our hearts smoking with unquenchable fire.