“You crawl into my bed, wriggle your tempting ass against me, call me your husband, command I fuck you, and then think you can...leave?” I tutted and bit the shell of her ear as I pulled her closer. “I would’ve thought you knew me better than that by now, Nerida Avci.”

Her soft chuckle did painful things to my belly as she crooked her ankle over my calf, opening herself up to me. “I should’ve known you wouldn’t let silly things like bruises stop you.”

“You thought right.” Splaying my hand on her lower belly, I kept drifting down and down until my fingers found her centre. She gasped in welcome, but it was eerily close to a flinch. Slicing worry dampened my desire. “Are you okay, Neri? Did you have a nightmare again and that’s why you’re in my bed?”

For the longest moment, she didn’t answer. My pulse steadily sped up while she gave my question the seriousness it deserved. Finally, she murmured, “Something happened to me yesterday. Something rather profound.”

“Oh?” I feathered my fingers through her folds, touching her but not going any further. “What?”

“When I was giving my statement about what Ethan did, I had no choice but to relive every awful detail—”

“I hate that you had to do that.” Fury flowed hotly. “That you had to tell a stranger—”

“I’m not,” she whispered. “By facing it, instead of running from it, I did what you’ve been telling me to do all along. I accepted it. I’m not saying I won’t relapse, and I’ll probably reach out to the therapist Wayne Gratt recommended, but...I’m okay, Aslan. Truly. I faced it and found it has no power over me if I don’t want it to. I hate that I was stupid and thought we could get away with fooling around while my parents were down the hall. I hate that you were hurt, that I hit my dad with a lamp, and that you came face-to-face with the real terror of being deported, but...I’m also kinda glad it all happened.”

I stiffened, my fingers barely inside her. “Glad?”

“The only thing I cared about yesterday, the only thing I care about now, is you.” She caught my stare over her shoulder, her eyes glowing with passion. “Fighting for you made me heal enough to say, I’m going to be okay. And sitting in that stark little room with a detective taught me a valuable lesson that only I have the power to cripple my mind with memories and tragedies. If I decide they don’t have a power over me anymore, then...they don’t.”

I tripped into her, tumbling, falling, crashing into yet another layer of love. This layer was gentle and billowy, full of awe and devotion. “Stop making me fall for you, askim. I won’t be able to survive much more.”

She sighed and arched her hips into my hand. “Promise me you’ll never stop because I won’t. We can crash and burn together.”

Her wetness seared my fingers as I sank my touch a little deeper. My panic over her mental state faded the longer her body twitched against mine, seeking connection, begging for touch. “Tell me again why you’re here, wife...I’m fully awake and willing.”

She giggled under her breath, rocking back against my aching erection. “I can feel that. Something is very awake.”

“Do you want it?”

“God, yes.” Her head tipped back, revealing the elegant line of her neck. “I want you to give it to me as hard as you want.”

A full-body shudder quaked through me. “And what would you do if I took you brutally hard? If I wanted to punish you for making me run last night? If I wanted to make you feel a tenth of the pain I did at saying goodbye?”

“I’d say...do your worst.” Her teeth snapped close to my nose. “Show me. Fuck me.”

“Fucking hell, you’re going to kill me.”


I licked her curved neck. “Your wish is my command. I only live to serve my hot little siren. And if she wants to be fucked? Well then...I better obey.”

“Good God, I love it when you speak filthy.” She jerked in my arms as I sank two fingers inside, curled and possessive, testing how ready she was for me.

I groaned in her ear, finding how slippery she was. “Dammit, karicigim, do you finger yourself before coming to me, knowing how hard I take you, or do you get into this state the minute I touch you?”

She moaned as I rocked my hand deeper between her legs. Her hips thrust with my rhythm, lazy and sleepy, sexy as fucking hell. “What can I say, Aslan? Your touch is magic.”

Withdrawing my fingers, she whimpered in annoyance as I dragged my wetted touch under her pale pink camisole and fisted her breast. Shifting a little, I angled my cock between her thighs, thrusting, seeking, using instinct and her cues to find her.