Page 18 of Sinner (Empire)

“I’m going to find out what the fuck went down in those cells.”

Without another word, the boys take off, and I file out behind them, frustration burning through my veins. When Oakley’s name was first given to me, the boys and I went out of our way to take every form of identification from her, her bank cards, passport, driver’s license, and while they sure as fuck helped to keep her hidden with us, it’s working against us now. We could have tracked her through purchases or been notified if she tried to fly her sweet ass out of here, but we’ve got nothing. The only way of tracking her now is by trying to get inside her mind and figuring out her game plan. It’s not exactly new territory for us, we’ve tracked many ghosts through the country, but Oakley is different. I made a point of not letting her in, and now I wished I’d taken the time to let her inside my head and figure out what makes her tick. She would have been so easy to read.

The ball is in her court now.

Oakley has spent the past month and a half learning everything she can about us, and while she doesn’t possess the skill that comes with years of training, she has an edge that concerns me. She knows we’re coming for her, knows we won’t stop looking for her, and it’s only a matter of time before she fucks up. She’s already deep in the boys’ heads, she knows them, knows how they think, how they feel, and what’s more, she knows they’re no longer able to take a fucking shot if need be.

They will lay down their lives for her, and that scares the fucking shit out of me.

Sawyer and Dalton take off toward the exit while I step in the opposite direction, leading me down toward the cells. The long tunnel is like a breath of fresh air, giving me a moment to calm myself. It’s almost comical. When I brought Oakley down here with me, she was fretting, the long tunnels sending chills down her spine as she remembered her own experiences being locked in the cold cells, but for me, it’s peaceful. The darkness is where I excel. People always fear what they might come across in the darkness, they fear the unknown, but I am that unknown. I am the Boogeyman hiding in the closet, the darkness under the bed.

Pausing at the end of the tunnel, I find the last security gate left open, and unease rocks through my veins. That’s not right. Even with Harrison out for the count, there should be someone standing guard.

Pushing through, I head down the stairs and turn to the right before making my way down the long, chilling hallway. Cells line either side, and I don’t stop, able to smell the slightest hint of Oakley’s perfume still lingering in the air.

Making my way almost to the end, I come to a stop right outside Matthias’s cell to find him lying back in his bed, his hands propped behind his head.

Upon seeing me, he flies to his feet, already on the defense. “Well, this is shaping up to be one hell of an interesting night.”

“Cut the bullshit, Matthias,” I growl, watching as his eyes widen, realizing I’ve known exactly who he is this entire time. “Where is she?”

His gaze narrows. “You lost her.”

“Where is she?” I demand. “I know she came down here, and I know she left without your bitch-ass which could only mean you fucked up.”

His gaze tightens, and I watch as fury flashes in his eyes. “You don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about.”

“You betrayed her trust,” I say, not missing a damn thing. “She came down here to free you, and you broke her. You shattered any hope she had of surviving this. All she wanted, more than saving her own damn life, was to save you, and you let her down, just like you did twelve years ago when you left her to fend for herself.”

“Watch yourself, Zade,” he spits, laughter brimming in his eyes. “You have nine days to get her back and perform your ritual, and things aren’t looking great for you. But don’t worry, I have my men out searching for her as we speak, and they’ll be sure to dispose of her just right. After all, we wouldn’t want Empire falling into the hands of a fraud, would we? Especially when the true blood heir has been here, lying in wait this whole time.”

I scoff, my hand shooting through the bars so fast, he doesn’t see it coming. I clutch the front of his dirty shirt and pull him hard against the bars. “Let me make myself clear,” I growl. “If you touch her or even look at her wrong, I will happily put a bullet between your eyes.”