Page 89 of Sinner (Empire)

Not gonna lie, I’m more pissed about my fucking bike. Candice was one of my prized possessions, simply stunning with sleek curves, and the way she rumbled when I rode her . . . fuck. She was perfect, and now she’s nothing but a twisted heap of metal destined for the junkyard. I’ll have to figure out which one of these bastards was responsible for sending her to an early grave, and when I do, I’ll be sure to return the favor.

Taking slow, deep breaths, I do what I can to preserve my energy. I’ve only been here fifteen minutes at most, but it’s more than enough to know my shoulder doesn’t fucking enjoy hanging from these chains like this, but if I have to endure it a little while longer, I will. The gunshot wound, on the other hand, that’s a fucking bitch. I can’t lie, that bastard stung, and the fact that it’s still embedded in my chest isn’t exactly something I’m particularly fond of. But like I said, it’s not the first, and it sure as fuck won’t be the last. I’m just glad it hasn’t seemed to puncture anything important, and with the bullet still lodged in there, it’s acting as a plug, keeping the blood loss to a minimum.

Hearing the heavy clanging of the door, a twisted grin tears across my face, more than ready to get this show on the road, the adrenaline already pumping wildly through my veins. The door opens, and I’m pleased to find the one and only Matthias Quinn before me, and I have to be honest, I had him pegged as the kind of guy to send someone to do his dirty work. I’m impressed.

I guess it’s finally time to see just what this asshole is made of.

“Ahh, Mr. Quinn,” I say, welcoming him into my humble abode. “What an honor to see you again. Did I mention how well you’re looking for a dead man?”

He doesn’t waste any time, stepping right into me and slamming his fist right into my gut, winding me.

“Woah, Mr. Quinn,” I laugh, the adrenaline now soaring, sending a fiery thrill straight through me. “I thought you’d at least buy me dinner before taking me to bed. You naughty boy, you.”

He steps back, confusion flashing in his eyes, but hell, how was he supposed to know that a good beating is one of my favorite kinks? He’s about to though, he’s about to know me real well.

“I don’t know what you’re so happy about,” he says. “You’ll be dying here tonight.”

“Oh yes, I’m sure I will,” I agree in a condescending tone. “Go big or go home, right? Though, if that cheap shot to the gut is all you’ve got, give me the heads up so I can add a few grunts and groans into the mix to make you feel like the big man on campus. After all, I’m sure Oakley will be here sooner or later, and you’re going to want to impress your little girl with your skills, right?”

Anger flares through his eyes, and I hate how much those eyes look like Oakley’s, and without warning, he nails me again, only this time he clocks me across the jaw before sending one to my ribs, really getting me hard. “Don’t you speak her fucking name,” Matthias growls.

“FUCK YEAH,” I boom, ignoring his jab about Oakley. If anyone shouldn’t be speaking her name, it’s this motherfucker right here. “That one was good, but you’re gonna have to try harder than that. My father was giving me better beatings at nine years old. Oh, have you got any brass knuckles? Now that’ll really get me going.”

“The fuck is wrong with you?” Matthias spits, looking me up and down. “Is this the kind of filth my daughter’s been spending her final days with?”

“Damn straight,” I tell him, about ready to start begging him for more. “That girl of yours . . . fuck. She’s a little firecracker. You should have seen the way she took my cock this morning, up against the shower wall. She’s such a good little girl, and so damn pretty when she’s down on her knees.”

His fist flies right at my face, splitting my brow and probably fracturing my eye socket too, but goddamn, it feels good. He hits me again and again until I’m in a daze, the endorphins working their magic.

Matthias stumbles back, out of breath and quickly realizing he’s not getting what he needs out of me, but honestly, I don’t know what the fuck that is. I’m here solely as a tool to lure Zade and Oakley out of the penthouse, so I really don’t know what he gets out of this apart from a cheap workout.

“Oh, you’re done so soon?” I question, letting out a heavy sigh. “I could go another round, but do you have someone else? Santos perhaps? All those years in lock-up have you lacking. Don’t get me wrong, you throw a good punch, but you could definitely use a little training just to sharpen up a little.”