Page 110 of Sinner (Empire)

“Don’t,” Dalton says. “There was no question. There was a chance to save you and we all took it without hesitation. It was the easiest decision I’ve ever made, and I’d do it a million times over if I had to.”

I glance up at him, warmth spreading through my chest as he presses a soft, lingering kiss to my lips. “I love you,” I tell him. “But just so you know, that ring you shoved on my finger is going to be one hell of a conversation.”

“The hell it is,” he says, reading exactly where this is going. “I’m going to marry you whether you want me to or not, and there’s not a damn thing you can do about it.”

Rolling my eyes, I shove his heavy arm off me. “I don’t know if you’ve realized this, but you’re kinda not the only man I’m with, and I’d hate to burst your happy little bubble, but I’ve been screwing all your friends behind your back, and something tells me, that they’re not going to appreciate you stealing me away to keep all for yourself.”

Dalton laughs. “Yeah, that’s not going to be an issue.”


“Cross doesn’t believe in the sanctity of marriage,” Dalton explains, nodding toward Easton beside me. “He doesn’t give a shit if you were in the middle of saying your vows, he’s still going to fuck you until you scream. And Zade . . . same.”

Easton smirks. “He ain’t lying.”

“What?” I sputter, glancing across at Sawyer. “And you?”

Sawyer shrugs his shoulders. “I’ve never been one to want the big white wedding bullshit,” he says. “And besides, I don’t need some piece of paper to know that you’re mine, so if that bastard really wants to send you down the aisle and put on a big show just so he can call you his in front of a bunch of people who don’t matter, then that’s on him. But I’m not gonna lie, the idea of seeing you as a bride has me feeling some kind of way.”

“What kind of way?” I question, my lips pulling into a wicked grin, liking the hungry gaze in his eyes.

“The kind of way that will have you up against the wall while I tear your wedding dress off with my teeth.”

“Well damn,” I breathe. “I guess I’m going to have to get married now.”

“What?” Dalton rushes out, gaping at me in horror. “You’re going to fuck him on our wedding day?”

“No, of course not,” I say, a thrill shooting through me. “I’m going to fuck all of you, but relax. I’m too young to get married, and after all of that shit we’ve just gone through, I just want to focus on living and having a good time.”

“Agreed,” Easton says. “But before you can do that, you need to get better. Why don’t you lay down for a bit and then we can grab you something to eat. You must be starving.”

Fuck yeah, I could definitely eat, but first, there’s something I need to do.

“Where’s Zade?” I ask, sitting up straighter in bed.

“Out keeping watch,” Easton says. “Did you want to talk to him?”

“Yeah, I just—”

“Hold up, I’ll grab him.”

“No,” I say, throwing my blankets back and starting to get up. “I’ll go to him.”

“No, no, no,” Easton rushes out as Dalton goes to grab me. “Don’t get out of bed. You need to rest.”

“If you assholes think for one second that I’m about to let you chain me to this bed for the next few days, you’ve got another thing coming. And besides, it’s not like I’m going out there to start breakdancing for him. We just need to talk, and when we’re done, I’ll come right back.”

Dalton mutters to himself as Easton quickly realizes that I’m going to do this with or without their approval, and he offers me his hand to help me to my feet. I give him a grateful smile as he walks me out of the bedroom. “So, just to clarify,” he says as I stop by the bathroom door, busting to pee. “You don’t want to be chained to the bed just this week, or is being chained to the bed a hard no in general?”

A grin pulls at my lips as I step into the bathroom and pause in the doorway, my hand resting on the small handle. “All I’m saying is if you chain me to your bed, you better make it worth my while.” And with that, I close the door between us, loving the devilish smirk that tears across his face.

Quickly cleaning myself up in the bathroom, I splash water over my face and take care of business, my stomach desperate for something to eat, but it’s going to have to wait a few minutes. I run my fingers through my hair and can’t help but lift my shirt, needing to see the damage, and fuck, it’s just as bad as Dalton said it was.