“I’m the right winger,” Anthony replied before throwing his arm around Mikael’s shoulders. “Mikael is the left winger. We’re part of the offense.”
“Oh! That makes sense,” my mom laughed.
I smiled to myself as I watched her talk to the guys, my heart warming at the sight. She didn’t know that I loved all of them, but she did seem to like them. That was good enough because I just wanted the people I cared about to enjoy each other’s company. I couldn’t wait for them to meet Madison, who I still needed to catch up with.
“I’ve played for years, but she still gets a little mixed up on the terminology,” I explained to Anthony and Mikael when my mom started talking to Coach Clinton.
“At least she cares to learn it,” Anthony pointed out, rubbing my upper arm briefly in an affectionate manner. “She’s really proud of you.”
“And I know that both of your families are proud of you too,” I told them. Even if they weren’t invited to the tournament this year, they were still an amazing team, and everyone knew that.
They both gave me grateful looks. Both of them were family-oriented, striving to make their loved ones proud. Their ambition matched my own, which I believed made all of us so compatible. We fought for what we wanted, even when things got tough.
It would take more than a mere challenge to get us to back down when we had our sights set on something. Or each other.
“Alright, alright. I think you’ve bought enough snacks for the ride,” Jed said with a smirk as he and Colm joined back up with the group.
Colm held a plastic bag that looked nearly filled to the brim with whatever snacks caught his eye.
“It’s an eight hour flight,” he reminded Jed. “Besides, I snack when I get nervous.”
“You could at least share,” Jed muttered as he gave me an amused look.
Watching them banter with obvious adoration in their eyes made me feel like I was floating, and the fact that they cared about me too just made me feel all that more special. I loved them together, and I also loved being together with them.
“He’ll share with me,” I said as I wrapped my arms around Colm’s torso in a sweet embrace that made Colm chuckle.
“Anything you want, cupcake,” Colm replied, squeezing me close just to tease Jed.
“Get a room,” Stephen told us, shooting me a wink as he sat in one of the chairs at our gate.
“That’s a great idea.”
I turned to see Hugo walking toward me, carrying two bottles of water. He leaned close and kissed me on the cheek after Colm and I separated, offering me one of the bottles of water.
“I got your mom one,” he said.
“Thank you,” I replied as a grateful look crossed my face. All of the big and little things that he did for us touched me deeply. He didn’t have to go out of his way so much for us, but he just wanted to. He cared about me and his team like we were his family.
And honestly, we were.
“Anything for you,” Hugo said, our arms pressing together as we stood right next to each other. It was like we couldn’t stand for any space to be between us. “Ready to get home?”
I smiled and nodded, a tremor of excitement passing through me. When I got back to campus, I knew that everything would feel different. I left Yale thinking that I would be stuck all alone, but I was returning with the love and affection of six men who I truly cared about.
That just couldn’t be beat.
“Yeah, I’m ready for the rest of the season and the semester,” I told him. “There’s a lot to do.”
“Got time for us?” Hugo asked.
“Always,” I promised him. I wouldn’t be at this point without them, and I didn’t want to move forward without them either. I hoped that they stuck around for the ride ahead.
Hugo met my gaze, holding it for a few seconds as the world around us seemed to fade away.
“I love you, Leah,” he said. “I should’ve said that much earlier.”
I placed my hand on his arm and shook his head.
“The timing doesn’t matter. I’m just glad we’re saying it now,” I told him, holding onto this moment and capturing it in my mind. There was no way that I was going to forget it, though. “Because I love you too. So much.”
Hugo leaned down and rested his forehead against mine. It was such a simple but intimate touch, making my breath hitch.
“First class may now board,” one of the gate agents announced.
“That’s us,” Hugo said as we broke away to watch the others get lined up and ready to get on the plane. He held his hand out to me, which I gladly took, our fingers twining together. “Ready?”