Mikael thrusted up into me, grabbing my hips tightly to keep me steady.

I looked over at Hugo, who was working his fist up and down his hard length, on the verge of finishing just from watching me. I wanted to invite him over so that I could help him, but my entire body buzzed with sensitivity as Mikael’s motions drew out my last orgasm. All I could do was shudder and moan as Mikael pounded into me.

Stephen leaned his head back as he finished himself off, his stained chest rising and falling heavily.

The sight made me weak in the knees, but I was pretty sure that my body was weak all over at this point. When Mikael finished, I crumpled on top of him, resting my cheek against his chest and watching Hugo spill all over his chest with a clenched jaw.

Tired breaths filled the room as everyone came down from the high of pure pleasure. The bedsheets were a wreck as well, but no one seemed to care. We were all sated.

“Someone needs to kick up the air conditioning. It’s hot as hell in here,” Anthony murmured from the end of the bed, sweat glistening on his forehead.

“Got it,” Jed replied before breaking away from Colm’s arms to head over to the air conditioner.

“Let’s get you cleaned up,” Hugo said once he gathered himself. He picked me up and carried me into the bathroom, helping me sit on the counter since my legs refused to work just yet. He ran warm water over a white rag before gently cleaning my stained cheek.

My heart skipped as I gazed at him.

“Why didn’t you join in?” I asked quietly. I knew that things had been tense between us. They still were, but he had every opportunity to join us.

Hugo lowered his eyes as he pulled the rag away from me.

“I wanted to talk to you first. Apologize,” he said. “I’m sorry about the gala.”

“It’s… in the past. I know your parents would rather you be with someone like Ashley,” I told him, knowing that was what was expected of him. If he wanted that too, I wasn’t going to linger around and wait for him, even if I had fallen for him and the others in unique ways.

Hugo shook his head as he met my gaze.

“I don’t want Ashley. I’m done doing what my parents want me to do. They just care about their image, not what their own son wants,” he replied in a firm voice before cupping my face. “You’re better than any snooty socialite. You’re hardworking. Dedicated. Passionate. You’re the most amazing woman I’ve ever met, and the others would agree.”

Did all of them feel the same way about me? I wanted to ask, to confess my feelings, but my throat tightened up in nervousness. What if that wasn’t the case? I didn’t think that I could handle that level of rejection right now.

“I didn’t expect all of this. Any of it,” I said. “I still can’t believe you’re all here for me.”

Hugo stroked my cheek.

“We wanted you to make it here,” he replied. “I know we’re terrible at expressing ourselves outside of our love for hockey, but we tried to show that we wanted to support you in the best way that we could. By giving you what you needed the most.”

“What are you talking about, Hugo?” I asked, narrowing my eyes in confusion.”

“We raised the rest of the money for your team to travel here,” Hugo admitted. “Jed and Colm had us watch one of your games, and we all saw how talented you guys are. You deserve to be here, so we wanted to help. We’re tired of fighting.”

I could’ve sighed in relief. Instead, I smiled at him and wrapped my arms around his neck in a gentle hug.

“Me too,” I told him. I didn’t want us to fight again, especially when things felt almost perfect between all of us.

The only thing that could make things even better was if I admitted my feelings, and they felt the same way. However, tonight already felt like a dream. I didn’t want to push things and have reality give me a rude awakening. Just for this moment, I wanted to act like all of the pieces had fallen into place.

I just hoped that we didn’t fall apart before the end of this trip.

Chapter 23


The next few days were full of back-to-back games against teams from all over the world who were the best at what they did.

Fortunately for us, we stepped up our game, rallied ourselves, and played the best we ever had before to land us in the finals. It was a long, hard road, but I couldn’t possibly lead a better team.

“That’s our girl!” Mikael chuckled as he swept me up in a tight hug, picking me up and spinning me as I laughed.