“Fuck, that was good,” I laughed softly.

Leah smiled in a tired manner and nodded.

“It was,” she murmured.

I rolled off of her and laid beside her, catching my breath as I closed my eyes. I didn’t realize how tired I was until I did so, my head feeling heavy.

“Really good,” I whispered, listening to the sound of her breathing until there was silence.

I woke up with a jolt the next morning, hearing a sound from somewhere off in the stadium. I looked down to see that I didn’t have a single thing of clothing on my body.

“Leah,” I said, giving her a gentle nudge until she woke up.

Leah blinked a few times, taking in her surroundings before she realized what was going on.

“Is someone here?” she asked.

I nodded as I climbed off the couch and started pulling on my clothes.

“This will be hard to explain if we’re caught,” I told her.

Leah slipped her panties and jeans back on, her hands moving in a flurry. She avoided my eyes as she got dressed.

“About last night… it should just be a one time thing. We shouldn’t do it again. We can’t,” she said.

I lifted my eyebrow as I glanced over at her.

“Was it that bad?” I asked with a faint laugh. She seemed content last night before we passed out.

Leah gave me a pointed look as she fixed her hair.

“Come on, Hugo. Everyone agreed to get along last night, but we’re all going to go back to hating each other,” she said, nearly sounding… sad. “Besides, we don’t need the drama.”

I smirked and shrugged.

“Whatever you say,” I replied. She had a point, but we could’ve still had some fun together on the down low.

Leah didn’t seem to like my uncaring answer. She rolled her eyes at me and hurried out of the lounge, leaving me there with a weight on my chest.

It was hard to describe last night, but all I knew was that I wouldn’t mind doing it all over again.

Chapter 7


“I’m going to miss you!”

I frowned to myself as I hugged Jourdanne tightly, my eyes sweeping over her packed bags at the front of our dorm room. She was moving out today to go live with her boyfriends. Well, sugar daddies. Well - it was a confusing situation to wrap my head around, but she seemed to be happy with the two men. That was all that mattered.

At least one of us had a good love life, even if it seemed complicated.

The thought of dating more than one guy was fairly intimidating to me. Maintaining a relationship with just one guy was difficult because I devoted so much time to hockey. If I couldn’t give one guy enough attention, how could I handle multiple of them?

But everything would be doubled. The affection. The attention. The love. It would be twice as intense, but could I even handle that?

“I’ll miss you,” I told her before we broke apart. “I’m happy for you, though.”

A grateful look filled Jourdanne’s face as she gave my hand a squeeze.

“Thank you. I know it’s crazy loving two people at the same time, but I’d never choose between them,” she explained.

I nodded. I hadn’t experienced loving more than one person at the same time, but I knew what it was like to be attracted to more than one person at a time. The men’s hockey team was a thorn in my side, but I couldn’t shake the thought of some moments I shared with them. Even Stephen’s teasing worked me up, and then, I slept with Hugo.

I wanted to bury my face in my hands over that. As good as it felt to finally let go and act on my hidden desires, I knew that I didn’t need to be getting involved with him like that. He actively worked against my team, which he knew meant a lot to me, and he would always put his team first. We were captains of two different teams. We just wouldn’t be compatible.

Maybe in a different world where we weren’t hardcore hockey players, we could get to know each other more and spend time together without guilt. But we didn’t live in that world. I had to put my team first and focus on the sport that I worked so hard to be a part of. I couldn’t let a guy or guys distract me.

“Your heart wants what it wants,” I told her. Like I couldn’t control my own desire. However, I could control whether I acted on it or not. Sleeping with Hugo was a slip up that wouldn’t happen again.

Jourdanne shared a serious look with me.

“I hope you find someone, Leah. Or someones,” she said with a light laugh.

I smirked and shook my head.

“I don’t know if I can handle more than one guy,” I told her. I didn’t even know if I could handle one boyfriend. It just hadn’t ever been a priority for me, and I never connected with anyone like that.