Chapter 22
“And Canada takes the win after a long, hard battle!”
I cursed beneath my breath as the announcer’s voice echoed throughout the arena, confirming our defeat during our first match.
We played so hard, doing our best to get over our nerves and communicate, but the Canadians were talented. They brought their all, and if we didn’t somehow play ten times harder next match, we would be out of the tournament.
I headed to the locker room with the rest of my team, able to feel their disappointment and frustration radiating off them in heavy waves. We all didn’t want this to happen during our first international trip, but we expected heavy competition. We knew this wouldn’t be easy.
“Everyone, good effort. You made a lot of good plays out there, but there were also a lot of mistakes. I know you’re tired, so just get some rest. We’ll talk more in the morning and go over today’s footage,” Coach Clinton announced as we took off our helmets and equipment.
“We’ve got it next time, guys. We know what to expect now,” I said, trying to lift everyone’s spirits, but I was just as disappointed as them. I knew that we could do better.
After getting dressed in black joggers and a Yale shirt, I headed outside of the arena to find my mom, needing some words of encouragement before I sank deep into my dispirited thoughts. Right when I stepped outside, I froze in place.
I swore I was staring at two people who looked just like Colm and Jed, but that couldn’t be possible. They were across the ocean, not ten feet ahead of me.
“Guys?” I called out, my voice sounding as unsure as I felt.
Sure enough, Jed and Colm turned and faced me, smiles crossing their faces. They hurried over to me and swept me up in a tight hug that was very real. They were actually here!
“What are you doing here?” I asked as I squeezed them tightly, not wanting to let go. I had missed them dearly, and a day hadn’t gone by when I didn’t think about them.
“We all came to see you and show our support,” Colm said as we all broke apart.
“All?” I questioned as I looked between them, my heart racing as they grinned.
“All of the guys,” Jed confirmed before taking out his phone. “We all split up to try to find you after the match.”
My heart ached at his words as I was struck with disbelief and awe. I couldn’t believe they came all the way out here just for me! I worried so much that I didn’t mean much to them, but I couldn’t think of anyone else outside of my family who would do something like this for me.
“I’m so happy you’re here,” I told them before frowning slightly. “I just wish we played a little better for you guys.”
“There’s nothing for you to prove,” Jed assured me.
I could’ve kissed him for saying that. Honestly, I needed to hear that more than anything else because all I did was try to prove myself to others, to show them that I could do what I set out to do. Defeat was hard for me to stomach, but I wasn’t going to give up, especially now that the guys were rooting me on.
Suddenly, arms wrapped around my waist from behind, eliciting a surprised laugh from me as more arms curled around me in a huge group hug that warmed me to my core.
“I can’t believe all of you are here!” I exclaimed as I looked between all of them, feeling like I was caught in the midst of some dream. When my eyes landed on Hugo, my heart jolted. I didn’t think that I would see him again after what happened at the gala, but something told me that he made this decision to come here. He was the captain after all.
“This is important to you. So, it’s important to us,” Mikael replied as he rested his hand on my lower back, our sides pressing together.
“Don’t sweat the loss. You’ll be back in it after you win the next match,” Anthony assured me, earning nods from the others.
I hoped that he was right. I wasn’t ready to be out of this tournament yet.
“Having you guys here definitely makes me feel better,” I told them. I would’ve just gone back to my hotel room and licked my wounds alone if they hadn’t showed up.
“We’re here to lift your spirits. And whatever else you need,” Stephen said from my left, his fingers brushing back a few strands of my hair to tuck them behind my ear. Something about that small touch nearly sent shivers down my spine.
I knew what I needed from them. It had been far too long since the last time we had all been together. Even if that led to a lot of consequences, I couldn’t care right now because I wanted them so badly. My emotions were stronger this time around, threatening to burst from me as they surrounded me. They were here for me, and I wanted to make the most of our time here together.