They had reached out to me when they heard the news through other people in the athletic department, but I kept my replies polite and short. When Hugo messaged me, I didn’t even reply because he probably just felt obligated to say something nice after what happened at the gala. With so much riding on this tournament, I had to focus on hockey right now, even if it was really difficult.

When I thought about them and what I wanted to share with them, I got swept up in my emotions, unable to focus on anything else. It just wasn’t the mindset I needed to be in, especially when I knew that my fantasy of all of us being happy together was most likely going to happen. It was a miracle for Jourdanne to be happy with two guys! How could I expect to establish something like that with six?

I wasn’t romantic or a pro at relationships. I mostly butted heads with guys throughout my entire life, including Hugo and his team. But what we had went beyond rivalry and competition. It dug in even deeper to depths that I never experienced before.

Unrelenting desire. Warm comfort. Blooming love.

“You okay, Leah?”

I snapped out of my thoughts and offered Anne a smile.

“Yeah, I’ve just never traveled so far from home before. Moving to campus was one thing, but this is… a lot,” I admitted.

Anne looked past me.

“Maybe she can help,” she replied.

I whipped around and immediately felt my eyes dampen at the sight of my mom walking toward me, dragging a rolling suitcase behind her. I hurried over to her and threw my arms around her neck, hugging her close and doing my best not to cry in the middle of the airport. Dealing with all of this drama and stress without my mom and sister being right there beside me had been one of the most difficult things ever, but at least my mom got to be here.

“I can’t believe you’re actually here!” I told her, knowing she had to take off work and make her way all the way over here. When I invited her, I wasn’t sure if she could make it or not.

“Of course, I’m here! How could I pass up a chance to see you play in the most important tournament of your life?” she said as she gave me a tight squeeze before letting go. She cupped my face and gave me a proud smile. “You’re going to do so great.”

I wanted to be great. I wanted to show her how hard I worked this season, and this was my chance to do so in front of millions of people.

“Are you excited to go to Germany?” I asked her as I led her toward my team so that I could introduce her.

“Of course! It’s my first trip abroad,” my mom said with a glowing look on her face.

I smiled to myself, glad that I chose her for the ticket. According to my mom, Madison was quite busy these days. Maybe a new friend group. Or maybe even a boyfriend. She didn’t know, and I planned on calling Madison after the tournament to get all of the details about what she had been up to lately.

I had a lot to catch her up on too, and I just hoped things went well during this trip and when I got back and saw the guys again. I wanted to have good news to share too, but the road leading there was long and bumpy from what I could see. But no matter what, I was going to fight my way to the end.

Chapter 21


My knuckles turned white as I gripped my steering wheel tightly, tearing down the road to my parents’ house with a glare set on my face.

Ten minutes ago, I received a text from my father telling me to come by for a family discussion, which was code for lecturing me for something I did wrong. I already knew what it was about because they had been giving me the third degree since I brought Leah to the gala.

In hindsight, maybe it wasn’t the best idea, but I wanted to show my parents that she was a wonderful, determined person. It shouldn’t matter to them what class she was in or how much money her family had. I couldn’t control how shallow they were, but I could admit that I didn’t treat Leah the best in the beginning. I doubted her. I didn’t believe in her or her talent. I didn’t think she and her team were worthy of all the success and attention they received.

Looking back, I regretted all of that. I didn’t want to be snobby like my parents who only cared about money and status. I wanted to be better than that, and I wanted to do better by Leah because I loved her. I knew that because thinking about my life without her was pure torture.