“That would be perfect!” my mom replied, her tone etching higher out of excitement.
Before I could reply, my phone beeped a few times to let me know another call was coming in. A shock of anxiety jolted me as Coach Clinton’s name popped up on the screen.
“Hey, Mom, I’ll call you back in a little. Coach is calling me,” I told her.
“Okay!” she said.
I ended the call for the moment and answered Coach Clinton’s call.
“Hello?” I spoke.
“Carney, where are you? Can you get to the arena ASAP?” Coach Clinton asked with urgency in her voice.
My stomach flipped as a million scenarios flashed through my mind in an instant. Something bad happened. All of our funding disappeared. Or the tournament dropped us after hearing about the drama surrounding me.
“I can be there in a few minutes. What’s going on?” I asked, wary to hear the answer.
“I don’t want to get into it over the phone. Get to the arena. We need to talk.”
Chapter 20
When I stepped into the arena, I expected to see my team gathered on the bench next to the ice, but the only person waiting for me was Coach Clinton.
Dread seeped into every pore in my body as I headed over to her, my feet feeling weighed down by cement blocks. I was getting fired from being team captain today. Why else would she invite only me here today?
“Hey, Coach,” I greeted her, being as polite as possible. Maybe she would take mercy on me and give me a second chance. I couldn’t picture my life without hockey!
Coach Clinton nodded to me and gestured to the bench.
“Have a seat,” she told me.
I sat down and waited for her to do the same, but she resumed standing in front of me with her arms crossed over her chest. It felt like I was about to hear a lecture of some sort, and I wasn’t ready to hear about all the ways I had failed the team. I heard that enough in my own head.
“Is everything okay?” I asked, the anticipation threatening to kill me.
Coach Clinton breathed in deeply before speaking.
“Earlier today, I received a check from a group of supporters,” she said. “Combined with what we’ve already raised by fundraising, it’s enough money to go to Germany and attend the IIHF tournament.”
Low static filled my head as I tried to process her words. Did she really just say what I thought she did?
“We’re… going?” I asked her, needing to be sure as hope and happiness swelled in my chest.
Coach Clinton finally cracked a smile.
“We’re going, captain,” she told me.
I jumped to my feet as I placed one hand over my mouth, trying to hide how my jaw dropped. I couldn’t believe it! Even with the video footage spreading around, we still managed to get support from someone. I wanted to question who and how, but I didn’t want to jinx anything. I just wanted to take this amazing opportunity and run with it before it was possibly stripped away.
“I can’t believe this!” I laughed as we exchanged a tight hug.
“Believe it, and pack your bags! We’re going to Germany!” Coach Clinton exclaimed.
When we parted, I steadied myself with a calming breath.
“Does the team know?” I asked her.
Coach Clinton shook her head.
“I wanted you to be the one who told them,” she said, grinning. “You should do that soon.”
“I’ll do it now,” I replied as I took out my phone to text my team to meet me at the arena as soon as they possibly could.
Coach Clinton started to walk off, but she paused and turned back to me.
“There’s also enough money for an extra plane ticket if there’s anyone you want to invite along,” she told me.
My eyebrows shifted upward in surprise. Hell, we even had a little extra money.
“Thank you, Coach,” I said sincerely, sharing a smile with her before she left.
“Holy shit,” I murmured to myself as I sent a text to my team’s group chat. My thumbs then danced above the screen as my mind shifted to Hugo and the guys.
I wanted to tell them, believing we had gotten to a place where they would be proud rather than upset. I wanted us to be on good terms because their support would mean the world to me. If I could invite them all to come watch us play, I would, but I didn’t want to push things.
I didn’t want to hear them say no, especially when I wanted so much from them outside of watching us at the tournament. I wanted their attention, affection, and support on and off the ice. But would they be willing to give that to me?
That was the question I was too afraid to ask them.
The next week was a blur, consisting of packing, practicing, and preparing in every way I could for our trip to Germany. Before I knew it, I was standing at the gate for our flight, buzzing with excitement and nervousness. Honestly, it was good that I was so psyched for the trip because it kept me from thinking about Hugo and the guys so much.