Warmth melted in my chest as I gazed at him, hardly able to believe that he was actually saying those words to me. That he cared enough to push me like I desperately needed to be pushed. If Hugo Reid, my biggest rival, believed in me, I could give myself another chance.
There weren’t any proper words to thank him, so I leaned into the swell of emotion building inside of me. I reached out and rested my hand on his cheek, drawing him forward so that I could press my lips against his.
Hugo tightened his grip on my knee, his lips moving slowly against mine. Our kiss was patient like we were treasuring every single moment and brush of our lips. Words could only comfort and thank so much, but actions spoke the loudest. How he kissed me and touched me revealed a whole other side to me.
One that I really liked and did my best to keep myself from liking so much. But in these moments, how could I not control the rapid beating of my heart and the way he effortlessly made me melt?
“You’re not giving up,” he murmured, resting his forehead against mine. “I think I know of a way to help you out. At least with the reputation issues.”
My eyes popped open.
“Really?” I asked.
Hugo nodded, his eyes narrowing in a thoughtful manner.
“My parents are throwing a gala for all their rich friends. A lot of them are alumni of the university or have enough money to be sponsors if you woo them well enough,” Hugo replied. “Be my date.”
“Your date?” I repeated, still trying to wrap my head around his incredibly generous offer.
“What do you have to lose?” Hugo pointed out before giving me a bold grin. “Besides, I’m the best date you could ask for.”
That coaxed a laugh out of me, but his point still stood. What did I have to lose?
“I accept,” I said before taking a sip of my beer, which was the first of three before Hugo and I parted ways for the night to get some rest.
It felt like I was walking on clouds when I left the bar, but this didn’t mean that I was out of the storm yet. Things were only just getting started.
Chapter 18
Nervousness crept through every inch of my body as I stared at the royal blue, satin cami dress that I would wear tonight at the gala. I didn’t even know if that color would suit me, or if the dress would compliment my body type. But I committed to this by asking my teammates for a huge favor earlier today.
“This is going to sound weird coming from me… but I need a dress. A nice one,” I told my team as we all walked out of the gym, sweat glistening on my forehead.
Immediately, the others started laughing, giving me a weirded out look.
“A dress? For what?” Suzette asked as she fell into step at my right side.
“Have you ever worn a dress?” Lily teased me from my left.
“Graduation,” I muttered, now feeling even more nervous about wearing something so feminine and form-fitting. Getting compliments from the guys helped my self esteem a little, but this was new for me. I hadn’t ever been to a fancy gala before.
“Are you going to a party or something? Or a date?” Naomi asked as she lifted an eyebrow at me.
“A gala,” I replied. “With a bunch of rich people.”
“Oh, you need something really nice,” Anne said before thinking for a moment. “You know, we’re about the same size. I have this really nice dress from my eighteenth birthday party. You should try it!”
What the hell did I have to lose?
I somehow had to transform into an eye-catching beauty who fit in with a lavish crowd within the hour, and I had no idea where to start. At least I had some help.
“Okay, maybe I should do my hair first,” I murmured as I adjusted the towel around my torso, shivering at the feeling of my damp hair against my back. “But… what if I mess it up putting my dress on?”
“You’re overthinking things,” Anne told me as she hung her dress up on my closet door.
“Tell me what to do,” I said as I looked between Anne and Lily. “I need to look nice tonight.”
“Go dry your hair. Then, you can put the dress on,” Lily replied as she gently pushed me back into the bathroom before shutting the door behind me.
I released a slow breath as I stared at myself in the mirror. I just wanted things to go well tonight. I didn’t want to make a bad impression on Hugo’s parents or make him regret giving me this chance.
After I dried my hair, I was immediately swept into the bedroom to put my dress on. Anne zipped up the back, while Lily adjusted my collar and sleeves to make sure everything fit right. Thankfully, Anne was right about us being the same size.