“You’re letting your hate for my family control your moves.” I studied Jasmine some more, imprinting her every detail in my mind. She held a small knife and had the blade out, probably ready to gouge someone’s eyes. Something about her being in warrior mode made my cock stiffen a little.
Focus. Now’s not the time.
“Boss?” the scarred man on Benny’s left mumbled. “What do you want us to do?”
Benny’s dark voice raised in volume. “Did I tell you to say anything?”
Silence served as the response.
Getting a bit jumpy, are we, Benny?
I decided to help the poor guy out. “What your boss is trying to tell you, is that he’s close to crapping in his pants. He’s in somewhat of a tight bind. Sure he has guns and I have guns and he has guys and I have guys. We’ve played this game before. It’s rather boring right now. But what your boss has noticed that you didn’t, is that not one gun is pointed at me. Ten guns are targeting him. Which only leaves his three men, who are defending their lives by focusing their own guns on my guys in front of them. I’m in a rather convenient position right now.”
“That could change,” Benny said through clenched teeth.
“Aww.” I wagged my finger. “No. No. It won’t because lucky for me you love Jasmine as much as I do. We both understand that if someone makes a play to shoot me, then my men will go for you, and so on and so on, until tons of bodies lay on the ground and sadly ... one of those victims just might be our dear Jasmine. Isn’t that right, Benny?”
“Get on with why you came and then leave.”
I turned to him and stared right through the evil fuck. “I came here for my treasure.”
“Your treasure?”
Loud laughter fled Benny’s grimy lips. “Your treasure? Is she now a box full of coins? You’re objectification of women has no limits.”
“Your sickness has no limits. I saw your garden. I walked through the madness that is Benny. I read your journals. I know the things you’re scared to whisper out loud.” I could barely contain the rage in my chest. “I hope none of those journals end up in police districts where you’ve committed the crimes that I’ve read.”
“I’m not worried.”
“You should be.”
“I own cops, just like you. The whole legal system around this world is corrupt and your father and me helped it right along to destruction. There’s not many chief of police that will go after me. So get on with it, little boy! What do you want?”
“I’m shocked you’re even asking.” I took another step closer. My phone rang in my pocket. “Excuse me for a minute. I have an important phone call. It will be quick.”
Benny growled. Or was it a groan of disgust?
I held the phone up to my ear. “Yes?”
My guard’s voice traveled over the line. “The helicopter has landed on the roof, sir.”
So goddamn close, I can feel her already in my arms.
“And the house on Bishop’s Avenue?” I asked. “How did everything go?”
“All the guards are dead in the mansion. We only found the woman. There was no trace of the man you identified.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes, sir.”
Should I wait until they figure out where Troy is, or should I try my luck and go for what is mine?
I gazed at Jasmine’s trembling hand as she held the knife in front of her and muttered, “Okay. We’ll be there shortly.”
Benny growled, “Bishop’s Avenue. How did you know?”
“We’re done talking, Benny.” I hung up. “Jasmine, can you do something for me?”
She parted her lips and scanned the madness around her. I’d had ten of my men book the tour. Benny had only three. We’d guessed they were with him, when their identities came up as fake. My security had checked all the ticket buyers out hours before the tour began. Benny gave fake names for Jasmine and him. Mrs. and Mr. Prockett. I hadn’t been sure if it was them until my people spotted her in the crowd.
Buying the tour guide off was no problem. Most would do anything for ten thousand dollars. Simply luring a group into an abandoned building hadn’t been a problem. So there left just one thing. How the hell would I get Jasmine out of the damned building, and still be alive enough to enjoy our life?
That was plan B.
“Don’t even talk to my daughter.” Benny attempted to move forward. My two men that had their guns on him raised their weapons higher, as if aiming for his eyes.
“Benny, I have a question,” I said. “Do you trust Jasmine’s counting?”
“What?” he asked in a gruff tone.
“Do you trust her ability to count?”
“Get on with it, little boy. The more you talk the more I’m thinking about killing us all.”