Benny showed aging. He had been dyeing his gray hair for years, until Vivian and I joked on him so much, that he gave it all up and accepted his age. Gray hair covered his whole head and was combed back and cut on the sides in a military style.
He could’ve been a great extra in an old military drama, if not for those cold eyes. It was Chase and Benny’s biggest difference. Benny had the ice of cold streets rumbling within his gaze. And when he blinked, the promise of violence lingered. There was just no other way to describe it. Years ago, when I’d been a kid, it was hard to see it. Once I became an adult, the edge of Benny became hard to ignore.
In these past months, as I was faced with the horror that he’d done to Dawn, I had to admit that Benny scared the shit out of me.
Unlike the other guests, Benny wore no mask and had on regular clothes—blue jeans, white buttoned up T-shirt, and a brown leather jacket. Black gloves hid his hands and made my stomach tighten.
Is it cold enough outside for gloves? Maybe. It’s windy. I don’t know. Benny with gloves can never be a good thing.
Benny’s words ripped through my thoughts. “Did you get my heads?”
“I did,” Chase replied.
“Any suggestions?”
“I’m not big on threats, Benny.”
I directed my attention to Chase. “What heads? What threats? You told me that Benny hadn’t contacted us this whole time. You said that everything was okay and—”
“He’s a liar,” Benny interrupted. “This is nothing new. He’s deceitful. He lied and did everything to get you in his life, and now he’ll continue.”
“Oh really?” I looked at the man that I’d just learned was my father a few months ago. “You’re not the only one that lies?”
Benny’s smile straightened into the neutral expression that he always used with me. “Have you received any of my calls?”
“He’s blocked me from your phone.”
I shook my head. “He wouldn’t do that.”
“He did.”
Chase didn’t say anything during our exchange, which didn’t make me feel any better, but at least the two men weren’t trying to stab each other to death.
I sighed. “Back to these heads.”
Chase cleared his throat. “Your father ... and I use that word lightly. In fact, let’s just call him madman, this madman has been mailing cut-off heads to my office.”
“Don’t forget the Beatles’ wrapping paper,” Benny added.
I touched my chest. “Human heads?”
“Human heads.” Chase nodded.
I edged back from Benny. “What is wrong with you? W-whose heads are these? Why ... why would you do that?”
Benny winked at me. “You know that part of a wedding ceremony where the reverend asks the audience if they support the marriage or not?”
It was hard for me to speak, but I managed to whisper, “What does this have to do with anything?”
“Those heads are my response to your relationship with Chase. I’ve had enough, and tonight, as Chase announced you both to the world, I will declare a few things, too.”
“Get out of here.” Rage radiated from Chase’s heated glare. “You’re a psychopath and I won’t let you bully me.”
“Why are you sending him heads?” My whole body shook.
“Chase has been sending people to murder me. I’m only defending myself. I’m just sending his guys back to him. Nothing more,” Benny continued. “The heads come, when his little contract killers appear on my doorstep.”
I edged back again. “Chase, you hired people to kill Benny?”
Chase ran his fingers through his hair. “He’s a psychopath.”
“You told me that everything was okay, and you’re hiring contract killers?” I pointed to Benny. “And you’re cutting off these killers’ heads and sending them to Chase?”
“Don’t forget the Beatles’ wrapping paper,” Benny chuckled to himself.
My lungs swelled with stress. It was hard to breathe. “Chase is right. You are sick. Stop sending them. Trust me, Chase will no longer—”
“What?” Chase asked. “Chase will no longer what? Stop sending people to kill him? No. Chase has just begun.”
“Chase apparently also likes to talk in third person now,” Benny muttered.
“Send your heads.” There was no denying the sharpened edge in Chase’s voice. “Send as many heads as you want. I won’t stop being with Jasmine, and I’ll never give up trying to wipe you off the face of this earth. So send them. But here’s some advice—next time send body parts that I like. Heads are so last year.”
“Good point.” Benny bowed. “What would you like me to send? You said that you have favorite body parts. Are we discussing pussy? You can’t mean that. Clearly, you’ve had more than enough pussy cut up in any man’s lifetime.”
“Stop it!” I got between them. Both appeared ready to explode. Heat swarmed on both sides. My skin and whole body sat on edge.
Where the hell is security? Maybe, they just think Chase and I are talking to a regular guy and there’s no problem.