Michaela left then and there.

“Others say that she is vain and too consumed with herself,” Zanaya murmured after she was gone. “Be that as it may, beneath all the gloss, she is an archangel true.”

Alexander was quiet for a moment. “This is a different Michaela than I’ve ever before met. There’s something . . .” He shook his head. “I can’t quite put my finger on it. But whatever it is, I appreciate it. I wouldn’t deal well with a capricious and demanding fellow archangel at this time.”

When Zanaya’s lips curved, he grimaced. “I was never that bad, Zani.”

“No, lover. You were worse—in your own way.”

“Let us deal with this situation.”

So they did, were left sweaty and dirty and a little more emotionally broken in the aftermath, the valley below them filled with ash from the archangelic strikes that had ended the existence of over two hundred child reborn.

Only after it was done did she say, “I didn’t interfere with your argument with Michaela because I’m newborn to this world, but lover, I think she’s right.”

She looked toward the rolling desert sands in the distance. “You don’t abandon your people if you go now. They know this—and you have generals of strength and intelligence. Valerius is an extraordinary battle commander, and Keemat is equally brilliant in her own right. Together, they can finish the cleanup.”

Alexander’s greatest flaw had always been his stubbornness. Today she saw it in his jaw and his rigid shoulders. “Will you go to New York then, Zani?”

She felt her heart crack. “It’s not about us anymore, Alexander.” When she raised her hand to touch his cheek, he flinched. “It’s about the future of the world. We must go. You know this. You do not tarnish your honor by making this choice. It’s the only right one.”

A glitter in his eyes. “You could always talk me into things.”

Dropping her hand, she stepped back. “I talk you into nothing.” It came out a lash. “I simply ask you to stop being blinded by your territorial instincts.”

Teeth clenched, he shoved a hand through his hair. “What will I return to if I leave them now?”

“What will the future hold if Lijuan kills the only archangel with any immunity to her?”

“A hard blow, Zani.” He sighed. “And true. I will fly to Raphael’s territory by your side. Let us end Lijuan once and for all.”


The flight to New York was a grueling one, both of them pushing their bodies to the extreme. Michaela would’ve reached it while they were yet many hours distant, and Elijah had already been in the city for some time, his territory free of the reborn scourge.

Zanaya could only hope others in the Cadre were in a position to make the same choice. She knew, however, that Charisemnon was no longer an option—from the urgent report that had been blasted out to her and Alexander from Raphael’s people, Charisemnon had been exposed as a traitor; he was no ally of the Cadre, was working with Lijuan. The report had been some time past, so she didn’t know his current state.

She did know, however, that at least one archangel had died of late. There’d been no way to miss that news—it had come in the form of a thunderous boom of sound that reverberated around the world.

All she could hope was that good had won in this instance, that it was Charisemnon who was dead.

But she hoped the others would join them in New York. Because from the visual reports she’d seen coming out of Raphael’s city, it was close to falling.

Is there any word on the others? Will they come to battle Lijuan? Though they flew side by side, she couldn’t speak to Alexander aloud. They were moving too fast, utilizing maximum energy.

No word. Alexander’s mental voice was grim. Lijuan did well to seed so much chaos across so many different territories. She has broken us into pieces.

Zanaya felt her own face tighten. Were she not evil, she could’ve been a great leader.

She did hold somewhat of that position in the Cadre prior to this descent into madness. That was before any Ancients were awake.

Zanaya shrugged. As we discussed before the world turned to pain and death and sorrow, living a long time doesn’t make us wise. It just makes us old and worn-out and—at worst—a threat to the world.

A long pause from the man she’d loved for all eternity—but not enough to stay forever awake. As he hadn’t loved her enough to go into Sleep for a millennium or two.

When he did speak, it was to say, We’ll talk about this after the battle. For now, she is the threat.

Agreed. They weren’t young angels on the cusp of their first love; they were Ancients and archangels, their priorities shaped by the needs of the people they ruled.