Zanaya gave him an enigmatic smile; let the child discover the mysteries of his grandfather in his own time. “If I share what enticed Alexander to leave your side, you must keep it to yourself until the knowledge becomes widespread.”
“I promise,” Xander said at once.
Still amused, she said, “First General Avelina has just woken up.”
Xander’s mouth dropped open. “You mean Archangel Titus’s mother?”
Zanaya’s shoulders began to shake with mirth. “Four sisters—and now his mother is awake!” She slapped her thighs. “And she wishes to surprise her children.” Keeping her mouth shut and expression composed around Zuri and Nala was taking all of Zanaya’s considerable willpower.
As for Phenie and their other sister, Charo, no doubt they’d been bemused to receive a formal invitation to visit Zanaya’s lands in a week for a special dinner, but they could hardly say no to an archangel who “wished to make the acquaintance of the family of two squadron commanders” who she held in the highest esteem.
Alexander was in charge of getting Titus to the table.
“I must admit I can’t wait to see her children’s faces,” she confessed.
A wicked grin that reminded Zanaya of a younger Alexander. “Grandfather always talks about her. Says she should’ve been his permanent second, but that she didn’t feel ready for the position then. Do you think she might consider it now?”
Before she could answer, Xander added, “Tarek and others from the Wing Brotherhood handle a lot of court business, but Tarek’s been at Grandfather to appoint a true second—Tarek’s a sentinel, a warrior, wants to go back to focusing on that.”
“Avelina’s position is in discussion.” Though, per Alexander’s last message, the first general had declared herself “old and moldy enough” that she might be willing to take up the mantle of second.
“Did you know her?” Xander asked with youthful curiosity. “Will you tell me more about her? She’s a legend among warriors.”
Zanaya granted him his wish, but his eyelids began to droop mere minutes later. She could, however, see him struggling against the need to sleep. “Rest, Xander, child of my heart. It’s a critical part of your healing.”
“Warrior,” he muttered, “not child.” But he smiled when she ran her fingers through his hair.
She sat with him until he fell into a deep sleep.
Her heart felt tight, full of too much love. “I am honored to know you, Xander, Son of Rohan and Citrine, Grandson of Alexander and Jhansi,” she said quietly. “I can’t wait to see who you become.” Leaning down to press a kiss to his temple, she then tugged a blanket over his healing body, and whisked away the mug that had held the mead.
She got caught as she was leaving his room.
“Sneaking in contraband I see.” Aureline raised an eyebrow above lashes decorated with tiny feathers she’d gathered from her own wings.
Zanaya’s best friend had fallen in love with the current fashions in cosmetics and body decoration, and was experimenting with the clothing to see which she liked best. Today’s was a short and fitted dress in autumn orange with elongated triangular cutouts on one shoulder and at the waist. She wore the dress with the torture devices called “high heels.” Today’s were a dramatic pink.
“I like the dress,” Zanaya said. “How did you get into it is my question.” She twisted to look for the wing slits.
“Don’t change the subject,” Aureline said, mock stern. “How is our resident invalid who can’t seem to sit still? You know I had to chase him to bed yesterday after he decided to do laps of the inner garden?”
“I am shocked.”
As Aureline burst out laughing at Zanaya’s utterly transparent lie, Zanaya handed the mug to a passing member of the staff while putting a finger to her lips. The vampire of four hundred years grinned. “What mead?”
“Exactly so.” Tucking her arm through her best friend’s afterward, she said, “Xander will heal. It’ll take time, but he’s young yet.”
Wings companionably overlapping, the two of them walked out into the same garden heavy with scent and color that Xander had chosen for his illicit exercise. “And you, Auri?” she asked. “Are you happy to be awake?”
“Every day, Zan,” was the immediate answer. “This new world is most strange and lovely—though I do miss our old fortress on the Nile.”
“As do I. I intend to rebuild it.” She paused. “Speaking of our residence, Xander has suggested we add faux mummies to the entranceway of our current home. ‘For authenticity, Lady Zanaya.’ He also recommends I add one to my sigil.”
Aureline’s snorted laughter was a thing wonderful and familiar.
But no one was laughing two hours later, when word came through from General Rhys that his liege, Neha, Archangel of India, Queen of Poisons, of Snakes, and Mother of Anoushka had gone into Sleep.
“She was tired and heartsick,” Caliane said after the general’s resolute but grief-stricken visage disappeared from the screen. “We all saw it, but I was hoping she would be able to stay awhile longer.”