Page 18 of I Hate You

Gabriel didn’t believe in love, or love at first sight. He didn’t believe he loved Faith. There was lust, and he’d known he wanted to keep her. The very thought of her being with other men filled him with a hatred he couldn’t quite describe. It made him rather trigger-happy. Any man who tried to take her would to have to deal with him.

“Don’t you think the city is beautiful at night? So calm.”

Did she have any idea just how deadly the night was? The peacefulness was an illusion. The truth was, at night the real monsters came out to play. This was his own personal playground.

As a kid, he used to fear the dark. It was a stupid fear, and one many had attempted to exploit. Growing up in the system, it didn’t take Gabriel long to work out that he was all alone in this world. No one was coming to save him. Not the foster parents or the guardians when he got locked in dark closets and basements. So, to combat that fear, when they were all sleeping, he forced himself to go into the darkness.

It didn’t take him long to find comfort in it, and when they tried to hurt him again, scare him, they were the ones that trembled in fear.

Chapter Six

Gabriel took them dancing.

Afterward, he took her to a nice restaurant. It was beautiful and so seductive. He didn’t take her home, but instead, they went back to his place, and all night long he showed her what it meant to be well and truly fucked.

The next night, he took her out to dinner. They had a good time as they talked about absolutely nothing but their favorite films. She started to learn a lot about Gabriel. The silences were few and far between. After she learned he loved Western movies and horror, he took them back to his apartment, where he then taught her how to suck his cock. It was a whole new experience for her. He didn’t come in her mouth, though. As he was about to release, he pulled out and sprayed his seed on her chest. Before she sucked his cock, he’d gotten her to strip completely naked, which she had done for him.

In fact, she would do anything for him. Faith had to keep forcing herself to remember that this was an ultimatum.

Gabriel wasn’t her boyfriend. He was there to get payment for her brother. She kept asking to talk to Nigel, but he kept refusing, promising her he was okay. She had to take his word for it. So far, he hadn’t betrayed her trust. What more could she do?

Each time she left work, she made her way home, either by Henry, or taking a cab. Walking home, hearing the complete and total silence, filled her with that horrible void of loneliness. Without Nigel, what was there for her? She hadn’t been on a single date with anyone but Gabriel.

Whenever she felt that spiral of just how empty her life was, Gabriel would arrive, and those feelings would slowly disappear.

Faith didn’t know how she’d done it, but she’d filled her life with nothing but work. Work and worrying about Nigel.

She hadn’t dated. Never partied. Taking care of her brother, attempting to make a career had been the most important element of her life. Nothing else had seemed important to her. Once Gabriel had his fill, what more was there for her? He’d leave and find another woman who interested him.

Nigel would eventually leave. He’d want a family of his own and not want to hang out with his sister. When that day happened, she would have no choice but to sell the house. He’d want the half-share of the place. What would she have then? She’d be homeless.

The future didn’t look very exciting to her. In fact, it sounded and looked fucking awful. She didn’t even want to think about it. So, by the time the weekend came and Angela wished her an amazing vacation, she wasn’t exactly feeling it.

Gabriel surprised her as he waited with Henry.

Pulling her bag high up on her shoulder, she forced herself to stare into his blue eyes. What was he doing to her? She couldn’t ever remember feeling this … empty before. Or so very lost.

He was forcing her to be with him. She’d do anything for her brother, and he knew that, so he exploited it for his own means. She understood how it all worked. Nibbling her lip, she waited.

“Hey,” she said.

Gabriel smiled and that one look was enough to make her heart race. “You know, for a lady about to be whisked off for a magical vacation, you looked pissed off.”

She didn’t want to talk about it. The past week with Gabriel had been eye-opening.

While she worried about Nigel and getting food on the table, and convincing herself that going straight home and not veering off to a nightclub to have a drink was the right thing to do, she’d been able to pretend there was nothing else wrong in her life.