The waiter came with the wine and offered the menu. He’d already ordered the wine before Faith had arrived.
She did have an opportunity to turn him down, but he knew she wouldn’t. Faith loved her brother, would do anything for him. She had no idea the mess her kid brother had gotten into. Gabriel was determined to keep her from it.
He didn’t want the love she had for Nigel to be shattered. There was only so much love that could be offered before it had been taken advantage of. He had a feeling, after this time, the young man would have reached his peak. He’d not told Faith any lies. Nigel had offered up his virginal sister for the taking. He didn’t know if she was a virgin, but he’d find out soon enough.
Faith took the menu from the waiter and offered him a polite thank-you. She had stopped shaking, but she still looked pale.
He kept an eye on her as she picked up the wine and took a generous sip. From what his sources had told him, Faith wasn’t much of a drinker, nor was she a partier. She went to work, stayed home, and often kept house on the days she had off. He had no intention of stopping her from working. She had worked her ass off to get to where she was today, and he knew it brought her joy. It was one of the few elements of her life that did. Ever since their parents’ passing, she’d been the one to take care of everything, to bring in the money, to take care of her brother.
He had a feeling she felt like a failure for how Nigel turned out, but he wasn’t going to ask. Some topics of conversation were off limits, and her brother was top of that list.
The waiter came back and Faith looked toward him, and then at the waiter, giving him a nervous smile. She was always so polite.
Chapter Two
Faith didn’t like this.
Why was Gabriel being so polite? Offering food and wine. They hadn’t talked yet, but he also hadn’t ordered for her, which was new. She’d not been on many dates, but the women she worked with often complained that the men thought they knew exactly what they wanted.
Faith decided to go for the spaghetti and meatballs, no salad. All the food sounded delicious, and she couldn’t help but love the touch of a children’s menu on the back. She had noticed there were several families eating.
This restaurant was beautiful. Not too extravagant to terrify the guests and make them fear touching anything. It had a homey feel. A place everyone would love to call home.
The waiter disappeared, leaving her alone with Gabriel. She hated being alone with him. He’d arrived at her home a few times, but she never allowed him in. One of those times, he’d brought Nigel home. Her brother had been completely drunk out of his mind, and he’d embarrassed her so much. Of course, she had taken care of him. She always looked after her brother, always did the sisterly thing. Look where that had gotten her.
She was sitting in a restaurant with a man who had one of the scariest reputations she’d ever heard of, and she had just agreed to be his sex toy. To top that, she was a virgin.
There was a chance by the end of the night, he was going to destroy Nigel. Boyfriends had never been part of her life.
Growing up, she’d been called the “fat kid” in school. In high school, she’d been more focused on her studies. By the time she graduated, it had been a few weeks after she lost her parents. For the last seven years, she’d taken care of her brother, focusing on work and trying to raise him. With the way he’d turned out, she had already decided she was never having kids. She had to be a bad parent.
So, having random sex or a steady boyfriend had been completely out of the question. She’d remained a virgin. That didn’t mean she didn’t understand sex. She did. Yes, she’d read books, watched a little porn, but that wasn’t the same as the real thing.
She had to wonder if by the end of the night, Gabriel would be disappointed in her. Faith tried not to think about it. It was hard to do, seeing as they were eating dinner.
Why couldn’t he have just skipped dinner and gone to the sex? She wasn’t in any kind of rush, but stuffing herself on pasta wasn’t the answer.
“You’re thinking way too much,” he said.
“How is my brother?” She wanted to stick to safe topics. Easy ones.
“He’s having a hard time of it. I currently have him in a detox program. I have the best people taking care of him.”