Page 94 of Daddy Issues 2

I make my way to the kitchen because coffee is mandatory. And I know she likes her coffee black and sweet and extra hot. As I set the coffee to brew, I fill two stainless bowls with dog food and Rosy and Eleanor follow me out onto the deck.

“Breakfast, girls.” I set them down and they gobble away as I walk over and open the gate to the stairs leading down, so after they finish they can have the run of the yard.

I wonder what Kezia’s favorite breakfast would be. I know she told me she’s allergic to eggs and chicken, and I don’t want her to even brush up against something that could make her sick or hurt her.

As the coffee maker hisses and brews, I throw out everything in the refrigerator with eggs or chicken, reading every label making sure it passes muster, then throw the full trash bag out into the garage.

I pour a full cup of black liquid crack, and take the first sip, all the dreams of what my life is going to be like now that I have Kezia in my world making my dick hard and my heart pump faster. I fill a mug for her, stirring in six spoons of sugar, and I can’t stop smiling.

I turn to walk back toward the bedroom, because being away from her, even for ten minutes, is too much. I haven’t even checked my email yet, but fuck it. Work can wait.

Being the sheriff has been my world and identity for too long but now I know what it’s like to have a real purpose. My little girl is my home, my heaven, my everything now, and work life is going to have to adjust.

When I step around the counter to head through the living room and down the hall, there she is. Spinning and singing, wearing my unbuttoned white shirt out on the deck.

The morning sun makes her skin look like creamy velvet as she dips and sways as though God dropped her right here from heaven for me.

The white tails of my shirt hang close to her knees. She looks like a little girl wearing her daddy’s shirt, and in essence that’s exactly what she’s doing. I step through the living room, watching, my dick already at full attention and leaking cum, ready to fill her tight little cunt with more juicy seed.

I know she’s sore, she has to be. We went five rounds last night on her fresh, untouched territory, and even after the warm compresses I insisted she let me press to her swollen sex, there has to be some aching memory of all our activity.

As she turns, I pull open the wall of glass and she glances my way, seeing me watching, and presses her cherry-perfect lips together as she stops.

“You don’t need to stop, baby.” I look at her hard, dark-pink nipples, remembering how they tasted as I sucked on them while she slept.

Her cheeks ripen and she runs her hands down the front of my shirt.

“I know. It’s just so beautiful here. I feel like I’m just a part of nature.” She turns, walking over to the railing and bracing her arms on the top, canting her hips back and leaning forward. “It’s like a dream.”

I set the mugs on the long wooden table and come up behind her, peeling my shirt from her shoulders and tossing it behind me.

Pressing my chest to her back, I let my aching cock settle against her ass. “It’s not a dream. This is real. It’s going to be real every day from now on.”

She tilts her head, trying to catch my eye over her shoulder, and I see doubt. “I don’t know how. I have to go back—”

I reach around and grab her pussy with one hand and with the other I press my hand over her mouth. “You’re never going back. You’re never leaving.” I seethe, the venom in my voice startling me. The thought of her not being next to me has fresh rage brewing hot inside of me.

I force myself to soften my grip. She doesn’t need another overlord, she needs her Daddy, and I’m going to be the man she needs me to be.

“Listen, little one…” I use a gentler tone. “This is your home now. You’re not going back. If there are things you need, I’ll buy them for you.”

“It’s not that.” She stares out across the back lawn into the woods. “I don’t need much. I’ve never had much. It’s just, that’s been my life for so long, I know they’ll come for me. There’s been others…” She stalls as I run my hand down the arch in her back.

“Tell me, baby. I want to know it all.”

“Others of us that left…girls especially. They’ve always found them, brought them back. They…”