Page 83 of Daddy Issues 2

Merrick. Merrick.


It runs on repeat inside my head, pushing everything else out. He’s created a tsunami inside of me, flooding everything, washing away so much of the heaviness and doubt I’ve carried my whole life.

I can see by the way Papa is looking at me as he approaches, he knows something is different and, I’m either in trouble or he’s eaten a bad turkey leg again.

“Papa, I can ex—” I begin, thinking I’ll head off the problem, but he doesn’t seem to hear me as he steps into my personal space.

“He’s on the hook,” he mutters, smiling for the sake of appearances as the rest of our group moves around the fire and chatters, getting ready to wind down for the evening, which usually includes liquor, other substances and sex. “You are the bait, but you have not given him more than you are allowed, have you?” His jawline tightens, his voice thick.

“No, Papa.” I half-lie. I’m never to let our marks touch me more than holding my hand or a peck on my cheek, so what I did with Merrick today would be seen as a horrible indiscretion.

“Good. He’s got it bad but you need to keep him away. He’s disrupting the crowd, making it harder for us to work. You will go with him again tomorrow. Miss the performances and keep him occupied all day. It’s our last day here and the crowd will be big, and so will our take.”

My throat constricts when I see Merrick snaking through the group behind the stage, heading our way.

He’s magnificent, more so than earlier today, and the way he made me feel takes away the tension in my center and I want to fling myself into him.

“Good evening, Sheriff!” My father puts on his best booming, showman’s voice. “You enjoyed the show yet again.”

Merrick’s jaw hardens as he puts his hands on his belt, his gun still holstered as he looks at me, then turns his broad shoulders square to my father. The tension in his body tells me he’s still on alert, not the way he relaxed with me at the waterfall. There’s a fluttering tingle low inside me when I think of the orgasm and I still see the vague outline of dried evidence on his pant leg.

The way he looked at me, kissed me, like I was already his, and for a brief time all the pressures and problems of my life floated away in that little lake.

“Sure,” he grunts out, and I can see he would like to say more but he’s holding back. “Was beautiful.”

“Yes.” My father chuckles, the knowing in his laugh makes my stomach lurch. He’s playing Merrick and I hate that I’m a part of it. “Seems my precious daughter has her own personal protector in the crowd.”

“She needs one.”

“Ah, yes, we do make sure she is safe.” He glances at me and I look down, I don’t want to play this game anymore, not with Merrick, but years of training…if that’s what you want to call it…has the fear of reprisal twisting inside of me.

“Yes,” I chime in, hating myself for playing this part. “My family does keep me safe, but I so appreciate your help as well. You’ve been so kind…” Merrick gives me a look like he’s not buying the back and forth here, but before he can say anything, my father moves us to the next step.

“Kezia has not missed a performance since we arrived outside of today, and she twisted her ankle a bit in her last dance this evening. I was thinking…” Merrick keeps his eyes locked onto my father as he takes a sidestep closer to me. “Once again, I would be honored if you would take Kezia into your care tomorrow. We have our busiest day and I would like her to have a day to relax before we move on to our next town.”

Merrick sniffs and holds back something like a snarl, then looks down at me. “You hurt yourself?”

“It’s nothing.” I hate the lie, but it’s already out. I’m trapped by it. “Just stepped wrong.”

I hear the laughter and chatter coming from behind, right on time. Our group is a well-oiled machine.

My sister and four of the other younger women swarm around us.

“Kezia!” Genevieve calls. “Are you coming? Mother is waiting for us.” She turns to Merrick. “We’re on clean-up duty. All the costumes need to be washed. We take turns, but tonight it’s all on us. A family that works together…works.” She smiles, giving him the well-used lines.

Dangle the carrot, then take it away, our father always says. Makes them salivate for what they can’t have. Makes them putty in your hands.

“I have to go.” I look at Merrick, our secret hot and heavy between us, but I plead with my eyes for him to play along.