Page 75 of Daddy Issues 2

“I’ll have the same,” I manage, trying not to drag her into the bathroom and fuck her until she’s unconscious.

My cock stands straight up as I try to work out her age. Young, for sure. How young, I need to find out, before I end up unemployed and incarcerated with a lifelong membership on the sex offender’s registry.

I manage to wrap up our order and look around the coffee shop. Locals are eyeing me, wondering who the exotic beauty having coffee with their sheriff is as I put my hand on the perfect arch of her back, just above her ass, and work our way to the door, then open it for her before stepping outside myself.

“Where are we going?” She smiles at me with such trust and innocence, it’s like she’s melting a glacier, thawing a long-frozen creature deep inside of me.

“Away from here,” I manage, easing us back into the cruiser and looking over to see a sparkle in her unique eyes. “I’m going to show you the most beautiful part of our town. Well, it was the most beautiful part of the town, until you showed up.”

She runs her tongue along the plastic lid, a drop of coffee making contact, and I hate that fucking coffee all of a sudden.

I don’t even know who I am right now. I’m taking a girl—a girl I’m not even sure is legal—with me, along with my depraved thoughts. I’m not this guy, I don’t take girls with me, especially in my cruiser, in my uniform.

“I can’t wait to see whatever this special place is.” She runs a finger over her bottom lip. “I can’t wait to show you something as well…”

Holy fuck.

Her words run through me like an electric shock, creating a new, manic throbbing in my cock as I jerk the cruiser into reverse, throwing caution to the wind as I pull away.



I’ve been playing this part for a long time but I’ve never felt like this.

I think the sheriff is playing me back but I can’t be sure. I try my best to not look down below his belt, but I’ve failed more than once and I know what I see.

It’s not the first erection I’ve seen through the fabric of a man’s pants or otherwise. I’ve been taught well, my genetics making me something most men desire. My youth and innocence seem to only entice even the most monogamous, loyal man to drool for what I have between my legs.

My mother and other sisters in our group taught me how to entice men long before I should have known, and it’s become second nature in a way. But right now, I feel confused.



Things I’ve not felt before because I was always just playing my part. Doing my job. I know if I fail, I’ll suffer the wrath of Thadius. But if I succeed, I may be drawn into something I’ve never known before.

I should be scared. Small town sheriff, taking me who knows where to do who knows what with me. If something happened, it would be his word against mine and most courts and judges would surely take an upstanding sheriff’s word over a nomadic dancer who makes her living teasing men.

But, I’m not scared. Not of him, anyway. My father, on the other hand, would kill me if he knew what was happening.

I’m never, ever to let a man take me somewhere private. He would expect me to stay at the coffee shop, flirting just enough, teasing just enough, but always staying in public.

I push it all away, something feels different and I want to count on my own instincts for once. We drive in silence, out of town, then onto a winding patch of two-lane asphalt. Tall pines and thick trees start to fill the roadside and fewer and fewer cars are passing us going the other way.

Finally, he takes a turn onto a dirt road and my prior confidence about my instinct wavers. There’s no one around. What if he is like the others? Crooked cops, on the take, lawless.

“We’re here.”

They’re the first words Merrick has spoken since we left the coffee shop. His knuckles were an angry white the entire drive and my training has taught me that anticipation is the most fragrant of aphrodisiacs, so I simply wiggled in my seat a bit, used my tongue around the rim of my coffee and squeezed my upper arms into my chest so my cleavage was more prominent.

It was from my training I knew to do these things, knew how they would push him to his limits, but this time I felt I was using them for myself instead of for the family.

As Merrick gets out of the car, I wonder how far I’m willing to go. Using my talents for myself, pushing the limits, skirting the edge of what’s acceptable.